8:10 p.m. | 2003-03-18

Look! I Baffled A Telemarketer. Then Myself.

I came home late today and was trying to get settled in when the phone rang. I really didn�t have the energy to deal with any telemarketers, but also didn�t want them to keep calling me over and over, so I answered. Here�s that.

(CI:) Hello? (I can hear the telltale sign of the phone clicking over to a telemarketer�s phone.)

(Lady:) Are Mr. or Mrs. Cruel-Irony home?

(CI:) No. (True as I�m not Mrs. Cruel-Irony and there�s no Mr. Cruel-Irony. Hehe. I�m so clever!)

(Lady:) When�s a good time to reach them?

(CI:) Uh� I dunno. (Not so clever there, huh?)

(Lady:) I have a customer courtesy call back number. It�s 1-800-555-1234.

(CI:) Thanks.

(Lady:) You�re welcome.

As you can see, I�m still having a little trouble with oxygen getting to my brain. (Cross your fingers that I get my breathing meds tomorrow!) Next time I decide to be so clever, I think I�ll plan it out a little better.

On the other hand, my little trick might have worked as they did give me a customer courtesy call back number and all.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003