7:51 p.m. | 2003-05-17

Oh, I Forgot To Tell You About Homer.

Yesterday, I went to lunch with Colleague, Lucky and Another Colleague. When we were walking back to work, we saw Homer Simpson. THE Homer. Or rather, someone wearing a Homer costume.

First some background. I remember when The Simpsons were a quirky little segue between the Tracy Ullman Show and commercials. I found them amusing back then. Of course, they weren�t fully developed at that point. Physically or characteristically. When The Simpsons gained their own show, I checked it out. I discovered that I enjoyed them more when they were a segue.

Now, I know there are a lot of Simpsons fans amongst my readers and the rest of the world, but I don�t personally watch the show. When I have, I�ve found the humor in it, of course, but it doesn�t engage me. My mind wanders, I start reading, washing the dishes or whatever. I laugh at some of the clever one-liners, but for whatever reason, I just can�t stay tuned in. Consequently, I only see the show if I�m at someone else�s house and they have it on.

AnyWAY, when we were walking back from lunch the other day, Homer emerged from a coffee house right in front of us. And, I must say, we were all taken aback. I don�t know if you�ve ever seen the Homer costume, but it�s HUGE, and he�s all YELLOW with bright BLUE pants. I swear his head is bigger than my whole body. His �eyes�� they are the size of my head. Maybe bigger.

We all immediately looked down, as to avoid �eye� contact, and went out of our way to avoid him. To say we walked �around� him would be an understatement. And, his eyes were so huge, we didn�t really know how to avoid contact with them. I mean, there�s no telling where the person�s eyes were actually looking.

I�m sure we looked panic-stricken, because we were. We certainly never expected to run into this huge day-glow Homer walking towards us. Really, it�s freaky looking. On TV, the fact that he�s disproportionate and exaggerated works but, let me tell you, the life-size version is rather frightening. If I were a young child, I would�ve burst into tears and ran far, far away.

However, there were tons of kids about the area and they were waving, clapping and in awe. As was a man who instantly walked right up to him, shook his hand and said: �Doh�.

Very original, no?

your thoughts?

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JournalCon 2003