11:15 p.m. | 2003-05-19

Boss Is Back!

Over the years, I�ve had several great bosses. However, most of them haven�t been that great, to put it nicely. So, I find it rather funny that I�ve been anxiously awaiting Boss� return. But, she�s back and we laughed all day long.

In addition to that, when I left the MyWorkPlace tonight, I ran into my Former Boss (FB). He�s the boss I originally had when I came to MyWorkPlace. I hired on in a different, but related, Division which was even smaller than the one I work for now. My former Division included only two people, FB and myself.

I was in that Division about six months before I promoted into the Division I�m in now. FB was there before me but only stayed for nine months after my arrival. I worked for him fulltime for the first six months, and then worked for FB and Boss for the next three months. Then FB left and I continued to do some of that work in addition to my new job. That�s, ultimately how I ended up with two fulltime jobs. But, who cares about all the details?

The main point is that I really enjoyed working for FB also. We just clicked, from the get go, as boss and employee. We worked together, each complimenting the other. And, he was the first boss I ever had that was younger than me. Only by a couple of years though.

We made one funny looking team too. He�s 6�4� and thin as a rail; I�m almost 5�0� and, at that time, probably weighed 95lbs. (I gained a few pounds since then, which is good.)

Today, I saw him walking towards me, but he didn�t see me. I could have greeted him in any fashion, but for some unknown reason, it went like this.

(CI:) Hey, Dude!

(FB:) Hi CI. Man, it�s so good to see you. What�s going on? How are you? What about this and that?

I have no idea why I chose to call him Dude. I mean, I�ve never called him that before, so I�m gonna blame it on you youngsters. You know, you guys are a bad influence on me. Next thing you know, I�ll be getting tattoos and multiple piercings. Oh, and dying my hair purple and blue with pink highlights or some shit like that.

You know, my parents always warned me about "you people". And "your ways".

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003