10:16 p.m. | 2004-03-10

I Love My New Car.

Not that it has anything to do with this entry, but I do have armrests in the driver�s seat. That�s very exciting to me, but probably not so much to you.

So, um� well I worked today. Of course. I was quite productive, which is good, but I didn't do anything that�s interesting.

At best, what follows was the most exciting thing that happened today.

(NewBoss:) (Stopping by our office.) Hey, VIP VIP (VV) is gonna drop by today, just to let you know. Oh and NOM? I heard there�s an opening over here. Just so you know, you�re not allowed to apply. Okay?

(NOM:) Sure.

Mind you, that was all in jest. Well, except the part about VV.

(NB:) CI, can you relay that message to OMC?

(CI:) Sure.

(OMC:) (Appearing suddenly while NB was standing in the doorway). What?

(CI:) You can�t apply for any other jobs, okay?

(OMC:) Okay.

(NB:) Not THAT, CI� about VV stopping by.

(OMC:) I already know about that.

(CI:) See, I was telling him what he hadn�t heard. Gossip travels faster than �rules�, ya know?

However, I have to admit that I hadn�t heard about VV. Apparently, I was busy working. Or, well, not tuned into the buzz.

And later, I heard a ton of voices in the hall. OMC went to check it out and returned to report about it. Here�s that.

(CI:) What was all that noise? Was that VV?

(OMC:) I�m not sure if VV was there, but it was VV�s entourage. Now that I�ve seen an entourage, I want one. In fact, I think everyone should have one. There�s like 20 or 30 people waiting on you. Isn�t that the coolest thing?

(CI:) I don�t think I�d want an entourage, but I�d like to have a driver.

(OMC:) I don�t want a driver, because I like to drive, but I like that whole entourage thing.

(CI:) Caviar dreams, OMC, caviar dreams.

(OMC:) It�s NOT a dream, CI. It�s NOT.

(CI:) I know, I know. You believe. That�s good. But, I�d suggest that you just set that entourage right on the shelf next to the plasma monitor you�ve been talking about.

Apparently though, VV is moving in across the hall. As is the entourage. And, well, most of OMC�s dreams. That�s as good as anyplace to store them, I suppose. I mean, OMC�s dreams, not VV and the entourage.

Dreams you can store. VV�s and entourages� well, not so much.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003