11:19 p.m. | 2004-07-27

When The Planets All Line Up? Weirdness Commences.

Several of my worlds have collided in the last few days. Not that I have �worlds� or anything� it�s more like I�m a squatter.

That said, I went to lunch the other day with [Former]Boss. She�s doing great, just in case you wanted to know. And well, she�s across the street so it�s not all that different except that it is.

Anyway, we stopped by my (our) OldWorkPlace to say hi to Security Guard (SG). In case you don�t know, he holds all the secrets. Just saying. However, during our quest, we ran into a couple � or several � people who still work at my (our) OldWorkPlace that no longer exists yet still does and they do the same work at the same place.

If you�re confused? Yeah. There are many, many folks who�d like to cry on your shoulder. I got airlifted at the last moment, so while I empathize, I don�t want to hang out there. As much as I was/am a fan of Land of the Lost, yeah, I don�t want to go there. However, this interesting exchange happened while I was there. This is that.

(FormerColleagueThatINeverMentioned:) I saw you the other day walking down the street with a guy.

(CI:) That�d be a colleague, I�m sure. Was he tall?

(FCTINM:) Yeah. Quite tall and very, very handsome. (wink, wink)

(CI:) Super tall? Like taller than Hippy? 6�4� kind of tall?

(FCTINM:) Yes. And very, very good looking.

(CI:) Oh, that�s OMC. He is very tall and handsome. He�s also happily married and I adore his wife.

(FCTINM:) Oh. Well, you�re looking good.

Later in the day, UA told me that BFB (Boss�FormerBoss � that�d be my former boss� former boss, albeit my former boss was formerly his boss for anyone keeping track. Hey, you stalk me? You�ll get stuck in the quagmire. Trust me.) called and left a message. UA even said that BFB said he was �my friend�. He is my friend, however, he only calls me if he needs something and he typically goes out of his way to tell me that he doesn�t need anything from me.

Put us on the street, shove a microphone in our face and we�ll promise you that we�re the best of friends. But, most of the time? Yeah, you�d never know that. We do know each others� middle and last names and various and sundry secrets about each other, yet we keep the cards close. If you know what I mean. And no, there�s nothing nefarious in those secrets � just personal stuff.

Anyway� BFB rarely pulls the �friends card� but I�m now in a position that could benefit him. See, you just never know what�ll happen so it�s better not to burn bridges if you can avoid it. Really.

So lets move on to other random stuff. Like the construction going on next door. They�ve been doing that since I�ve moved in. On that side of the alley to be particular. I mean, there�s never been a line drawn before, well, until now.

Now, there is a line. In white spray paint. I noticed it when I took the trash out since it�s right near the dumpster. It�s a dotted line and it�s marked �USA�. So, you know I had to step across it, of course. I had to see what it was like �across the border�.

It was pretty much the same until the WeirdAlleyGuy came along. I never mentioned him before because he�s a �player� and well, annoying. But, this is that.

(WAG:) Hey CI! I need to apologize to you. I�ve been meaning to for months.

(CI:) For what?

(WAG:) Uh, I didn�t know that you had a boyfriend, so I�m sorry.

(CI:) Okay. Apology accepted.

(WAG:) Great. Have a good night.

(CI:) You too.

Then I stepped back and realized that the alley is marked U5A. Which is different from �USA�. Much like not having a boyfriend is very different from having one.

Yeah, I don�t have one unless I cross that U5A border. Then, apparently, I have one. Those �invisible boyfriends�� they�re so sneaky. Well, and convenient. They don�t do dinner parties though.

That much I know.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003