10:21 p.m. | 2006-05-16


Have you ever felt that you were one step from CRAZY? Like you could feel the breathe of insanity on your neck making your hairs stand up straight? Where two steps forward made you so relieved because a half-step backwards would be a place you don�t ever want to imagine?

I�ve been there and I�m not there now. I�ve known it, felt it, sometimes dabbled in it. But not now. Not at all.

And, I feel very blessed. It took a lot of work, blood, sweat and tons of tears to get where I am now. It�s a great place. One I never imagined.

You don�t even know how great it is to not think I could step off into insanity at any given moment. Or, maybe you do.

If you do, I understand. If you don�t, well, that�s great. More power to you.

Right now, I�m gonna relish in my new realm. Nevermind my snoring.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003