10:06 p.m. | 2002-07-02

The Answer Is: I Don�t Flipping Know.

The question is: What day is it?

I give up. I just never know. Don�t know what day of the week it is, what the date is, what month it is or even what year it is. But I do know the telephone number that I had as a teenager. Go figure.

Alas, the memory part of my brain is now definitely filled with RAM. Random Access Memory. As opposed to ROM- read only memory. Or the really old-fashioned SAM - sequentially accessed memory contained on a tape. Kinda like an 8-track. You gotta go through all the other songs to get to the songs you want to hear. RAM is like CD�s. You can go directly to the song you want. Except my mind really is random access and god only knows what you�ll actually access when you go about randomly.

Is it just me or is this year flying by? It�s July for goodness sakes. How did that happen? My gut told me this would be a good year. One filled with payoffs for all the crap I�ve dealt with over the past few years. However, since this year started, I have only dealt with a bunch of BS. And the year is now more than half-past. Geesh.

And, in this entry, I have said both crap and BS so I feel compelled to give a shout out to Trancejen who knows a lot about poo. I mean that in a good way� she has a young child and all so she�s all about poo. And, she shares all that with us at Diaryland so I just wanted to give a shout out to recognize her knowledge and experience with all that. And, I�m sure she�d agree that she�d like to pass that crown off to someone else. So step up, if you�re a potential poo queen.

And, in honor of the Fourth of July, I will say this: Firecrackers need to be aged like a fine wine and should only be brought forth on the Fourth. Where I live, it�s illegal to fire them off after the Fourth. And, in my opinion, it should also be illegal to fire them off before the Fourth. It does actually dilute the potency of fireworks when you fire them off a week before, or days before, or a day before. And, let me just say that anything fired from a gun is not a firework. If you wanna bang on pots and pans, I�ll tip my cap to ya. And go with the sparklers and the snaky things. I�ll even watch your back if there�s any kind of flashy, sparkly thing going on. But please keep the plain-loud-ass-noise things to yourself. And, the bullets � they could put and eye out, ya know?

Enjoy and be safe. If you have any poo-related questions, see Trancejen . And, if you want to know what day it is, don�t ask me.

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