3:27 p.m. | 2002-09-15

Life In The Slow Lane.

I�ve been having some difficulties lately� difficulties with my hands, with walking and with breathing. All those things make me slow down. I�m still getting things done, but I�m doing them slower and I rest more often. I can�t really multi-task as well as I normally do since I can�t seem to get enough oxygen to my brain, so I�m just doing one thing at a time. I don�t really mind. It allows me to take the time to appreciate things and to experience things. Without constantly multi-tasking, I can focus on one thing at a time.

One of the best things about getting sick is that I�ve increased my problem-solving skills by ten-fold. I have to improvise a lot. Do things differently. Approach situations from different angles. My perceptions have changed. My senses are more fully utilized. I�ve learned a lot about myself, my limitations, my possibilities. Challenges are truly opportunities to me now. Whenever I�m faced with a challenge, I instantly know that I�m going to learn something of value in the end. I don�t dread things anymore.

Well, that�s not quite true. I dread the cold season, but I�m much more proactive and creative about it now. I�m learning how to make it more enjoyable and comfortable for myself.

I don�t know. I look at things differently I guess. I appreciate people and things more. I take pleasure in things I used to take for granted. I�m so much more involved in life itself. I don�t know what the future holds, but I don�t worry about it. Things have a way of working out right if I don�t fight them.

If I hadn�t gotten sick, I would be a different person today and my life would not have been as rich as it is now. Of that, I�m certain.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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