4:10 p.m. | 2002-09-21

Love By Design.

HGTV has been advertising a new show which premieres at the end of this month. It�s called �Love By Design� and goes like this: they choose one �daring� woman and three single men. The �daring� woman goes to each of their homes and eventually chooses one. Then while the single owner is out, she redecorates one of his rooms and then they go on a blind date. Or something close to that. Since it hasn�t premiered yet, I haven�t seen it.

But see, I�m thinking that�s probably not a good idea. It might make for some interesting TV but think about it. What if she has horrible taste? What if the date goes horribly wrong and they guy doesn�t like her � now he�s stuck with a pretty big reminder of her. One that he could fix, of course, but not without some work. I mean, thinking back to some of my blind dates gone wrong (which would be all the blind dates I�ve been on), I wouldn�t want to end up with one of the rooms in my house redecorated by Mr. Oh-So-Terribly Wrong.

In fact, I�m not sure I�d let Mr. Right redecorate one of my rooms. Or anyone for that matter. I�m pretty happy with my own decorating style. I choose to live vicariously through shows like Trading Spaces and While You Were Out. I�m addicted to both of those shows in fact, but I�m not quite sure why. I�m pretty sure I�ll get addicted to Love By Design too. But none of that will be happening in my house.

your thoughts?

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