10:05 p.m. | 2002-09-23

Autumnal Equinox.

I used the word �autumnal� for two reasons. One, it�s a hard word to work into a conversation so it�s rarely used. Two, because I�m trying to deal with the fact that it�s the first day of Fall, rather than the first day of Spring. Sometimes, I think I would like the seasons to go like this: Spring, Summer, Spring, Summer. But I really wouldn�t like that because Fall and Winter make me better appreciate Spring and Summer. And, some of you really enjoy the Fall and Winter and I wouldn�t want to rob you of all that. Fall and Winter kind of clear out the old and get ready for the new. I like that part.


Anyway, I stabbed myself in the neck. I didn�t do it on purpose, so well, it was rather surprising. Yes, I actually punctured my neck, drew blood and now have a wound. It�s on the side of my neck, and apparently, it wasn�t a dangerous stab wound as I didn�t suffer great blood loss or anything remotely that dramatic.

Interestingly enough, I stabbed myself with my car key. It�s kind of hard to explain, but I was walking to my car with my car key in my hand, my hair got caught under my purse, I tried to remove my hair and punctured my neck. With my car key. See, it can be a dangerous weapon when yielded properly. (I�ve been taught that you should always have your car key out and ready in case you�re accosted while walking to your car. That way, you can gouge the perpetrator�s eyes out with your key. I�m not sure if I could actually do that but I have more confidence now since I was able to stab myself and all.) Fortunately, my hair covers this self-inflicted wound. I wish I could say it was due to some random muscle spasm, but alas, it was due to my own klutziness.

your thoughts?

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