9:21 p.m. | 2003-05-25

Is This Memorial Day Or Labor Day Weekend?

I decided to kick it into high gear this weekend and get serious about my Spring cleaning. In addition to that, I�ve been busy tackling my imaginary husband�s long-neglected, way overdue project list.

And Ladies, let me just tell you that it�s a damn good thing my husband is only imaginary. Things have been on his list for several years. Bastard.

Anyway, I�ve also been gardening, walking about the �hood and visiting with neighbors. I�ve seen a dead bunny, a very cool aviary and a confounding use of chain link fencing. I even bought lemonade from a nine-year-old girl turned young entrepreneurs (YE). Check out this sales technique.

(CI:) (Walking down the street to visit some neighbors.)

(YE:) Would you like to buy some lemonade? It�s only 50 cents!

(CI:) I don�t have any money on me right now, but I�ll come back later.

(YE:) Okay!

I go up to her door and knock but there�s no answer. I know they�re home as they wouldn�t leave their daughter home alone, and I can hear some serious demolition going on inside.

(CI:) Hey YE, are your parents home?

(YE:) Yeah, my dad�s knocking out a wall (in the house), and my mom�s in the back.

(CI:) Can I talk to your mom?

(YE:) Sure, follow me.

She delivered me to her mom and went back to selling lemonade. This family is from Africa and they have the aviary. I was busy visiting with her mother and watching the birds when YE came back with a couple of cups of lemonade.

(YE:) Mom, would you like some lemonade?

(YE�s Mom:) No thanks, I�m having tea. However, Cruel-Irony might like something to drink.

(YE:) Cruel-Irony, would you like some lemonade?

(CI:) Sure, that sounds great.

(YE:) Here you go. Oh, and don�t worry, you can pay me later.

YE�s parents took some time to help me with a rather complicated bird-related problem that I had. I will forever be indebted to them. They�re world-traveling kind of folks who are very interesting, have seen all sorts of stuff and have done incredible things. It makes it so much easier when you have a somewhat unusual situation going on � they�ve encountered it before and know exactly how to fix it. Well, and it certainly helped that they�re very experienced with birds.

Later, I went down and visited the neighbors on the corner to borrow a drop of wood glue. Seriously, I really only needed ONE drop. They were busy working on a landscaping project but the were kind enough to let me borrow their glue.

I had it in mind to laze around tomorrow, however, it�s not looking like that�s going to happen tomorrow or anytime soon. How did my to-do list get so long? Oh yeah, I haven�t been doing this shit.

In other, exceptionally exciting news, my right eye is just not working today. When I woke up, I had difficulty opening my eye. Once I got it to stay open, I noticed that I�m just not seeing out of it too well. Naked, it�s 20/200 in that eye but with either my contacts or glasses, it�s 20/20. But, for whatever reason, even with my glasses I�m not showing any difference in vision. My left eye (20/400 without correction) is operating perfectly fine.

Lets hope, hope, hope this is just temporary. With the fibro, I get visual disturbances but I�ve never had an eye go blind on me.

And, frankly, it makes me kind of nauseous to see fine out of one eye and a big blurriness out of the other. It also makes me more klutzy and causes me to turn my head to the right when looking at stuff.

You know, a patch would make it easier to see. Plus, I could be all pirate like. Aye matey, give me your gold before I cut your bloody head off!

Better yet, complete this list of projects�

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003