12:46 a.m. | 2003-06-13

Whose Idea Was It To Move?

Oh yeah. That was MY idea. Things have been just a tad crazy around here lately. I had to practically move mountains (read: my desk), just to update. Well, and to get my house back in order. I have to have some work done to the house, including some stuff in the basement. You might recall that my basement trapdoor is under my desk. Or you might not. I mean, even I forget that and I live here.

Interesting thing about my office� it�s about 4� feet wide. My upright desk is 2 feet wide. The trapdoor is 2� feet wide. What all that means is that, when workmen have to access the basement, they move my desk up against the opposite wall thereby shutting down my office and ousting my desk chair (and other various items) to other (inconvenient) regions of my home.

I came home late tonight only to discover that the workmen hadn�t put my desk back like they promised. THAT was just not okay today. My office has been out of commission for 3 days and I was done with my house being all wacky. I even called to confirm that they�d be putting my desk back. But they didn�t.

Fortunately, one of my neighbors came by to tell me something and she volunteered to help me move my desk. She�s a scrawny little person like me, except she�s a couple of inches taller (of course) and works out so she�s actually quite strong. Whereas, I don�t work out and I know I have muscles, as they�re in pain continuously, but I�m pretty weak. (I was pissed though so that gave me a rush of adrenaline which boosted my strength a little. I�ll be paying for that tomorrow, I�m sure.)

Anyway, she took the heavy end while I took the light end and we managed to move my desk back far enough that I could get things in operation and in some order. However, my desk is now crooked and not in it�s usual spot so it�s a little disorienting. Oh, and I�m pretty sure I burst a vessel in my head as I now have a throbbing headache. Which is quite a shame considering that I was having a wonderful evening up until I came home.

So, guess what? Bestest Girfriend (BG) called me today to see if I wanted to do dinner tonight to celebrate her first courtroom victory. See, she�s a �certified law student� which means that she�s met the requirements to practice law under the supervision of an attorney. It�s like an apprenticeship. It�s designed to teach students how to practice law before they graduate law school. Novel idea, don�t you think? Actually, if you read between the lines of the fine print, you�ll find �cheap labor� in there somewhere. I�m just saying.

Anyway, so she won her first trial! In a federal district court! In a rather complicated case! Which I unknowingly assisted her in! Isn�t that cool? I�m very proud of her. Plus, she had her hair cut and highlighted and she looks even younger and hipper than she did before. She�s turning even more heads now. Oh, and she�s a year older now (26). Unfortunately, I forgot her birthday last week but I did buy her dinner and a couple of drinks tonight.

We had lots to talk about, of course, but it�s late so you�ll only get snippets for now. Like this.

(CI:) I bought some furniture. A really cool 1930�s art deco livingroom set. I always forget how �short� that type of furniture is. I can�

(BG:) �touch the floor with your feet?! (I nod.) No way! Oh, that�s sooo cool. That�s never happened to me before. (She�s 5�2�.) Really, are you serious?

(CI:) Totally. My knees even stick up a little!

(BG:) Oh WOW! I can�t wait to sit in your new livingroom!

Yes. That�s the kind of thing short people get all excited about. In fact, had we wanted to, we could of discussed that whole issue for hours. Like how I climbed up into a huge SUV with big leather seats recently only to discover that my legs stuck straight out unless I scrunched down. Then they were merely a foot or so away from the floor. This is an average world we live in you know? If you�re particularly short or tall, the average world can be a little frustrating sometimes. Or fun. There�s good and bad points, as you�d expect. It�s all about perspectives.

And you KNOW we talked about dating because we always do. She�s in a relationship, but I�m single. When you�re 38 and single, people always want to set you up or make �suggestions� about how to find a partner. The �people� most concerned with this are people who, of course, are married or in a relationship. Or homeless people on the street, but that�s a different story altogether. I always have to share the bizarre stuff people say to me with Bestest Girlfriend. This is some of that.

(CI:) Everything I do is scrutinized by others to determine the �dating potential quotient� or something. For example, if someone asks me what I did over the weekend and I tell them I went to a museum, they tell me that I�ll never find �a man� at a museum.

(BG:) Oh, don�t you HATE that?! It�s like they�re suggesting that you can�t have a life outside of hooking up with someone.

(CI:) Exactly! One, I�m not on a �man hunt� in the first place, and two, I�m not going to fashion my life around meeting someone. That kind of stuff just happens, you know.

(BG:) Yeah. Doesn�t that just really BUG you though?!

(CI:) Frankly, yes. I bugs the hell out of me. But they do it anyway. I also hate the comparison thing. I mean, being compared to other single people who I don�t feel are comparable. For example, I was recently telling MutualFriend how I started going out to Saturday brunch in memory of my father since that was something we used to do together. And, MutualFriend told me that I would never meet �a man� doing that because MutualNotFriend has tried to find a date by going to a "regular" restaurant for years and has never hooked up with anyone.

(BG:) What?! First off, you�re not going there to meet �a man� and secondly, you�re just not comparable to MutualNotFriend.

(CI:) My feelings exactly. That�s actually my alone time with my father, so to speak, so I�m not sure I�d even let someone intrude on that. That�s not to say that I would never meet someone there, but that would be pure happenstance since I�m not there to do that. And, I don�t think I�m comparable to MutualNotFriend either. I mean, I actually shower. Every day even. Sometimes twice. I comb my hair regularly, wear matching shoes and don�t believe I�m the smartest person on the planet. Or even at this table.

(BG:) That�s so gross that he�d compare you to him. Hygiene aside, you�re simply gorgeous and he�s� well, you know. MutualFriend has just been married too long� he sees things in shades of gray. He doesn�t see the detail.

(CI:) Yeah I know. But hey, thanks. Gorgeous? I�m not sure about that, but hell, I�ll go with it.

Needless to say, we had a wonderful time. I can�t wait until she�s done with law school and we can go back to hanging out regularly. However, she can�t wait to come visit my new apartment so she can sit on my sofa and put her feet on the ground. And, here�s her two cents in regards to me hiring folks to move my ass.

�Now that�s a really great idea.� (Read: thank GOD you�re not going to recruit me to move all your crap.)

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003