11:50 p.m. | 2003-07-06

Back To Work Tomorrow.

While the last four days haven�t been a vacation exactly, it�s been nice to not worry about work. And, trust me, I have a lot to worry about when it comes to work. It�s kinda nice to �check out� briefly during our busy season. But, I�ll have to hit the ground running in the morning.

Which will be the very first day that I walk to work. That, my friends, is uber cool.

I woke up today at 1:15pm, which was great except that I had a meeting scheduled for 12:30pm, which I ended up rescheduling. I slept hard. At some point in the morning, I apparently got up and took my meds before crawling back into bed. Good thing I have myself trained and all, because frankly, I have no recollection of doing that. Just an empty Sunday pillbox.

And, why yes, I do use the same day-of-the-week pillboxes that old folks use because that works really well for me. It�ll also make that eventual transition a lot less traumatic. Plus, it kinda makes me blend right into my new neighborhood, you know, with the senior center being next door and all.

In other news, my frig is full but my stomach is empty. I went grocery shopping today for the first time in weeks. I had to go to my old �hood today so I went to my usual store. However, now that I�m in my Dreamspace, I�ll need to find a more convenient grocery store.

Nonetheless, I figured out what I wanted for breakfasts and lunches for the next two weeks and picked everything up. Only a couple of new challenges with all that. First, I have to park in a loading zone in front of TheHotel for unloading. Well, and I have to walk the two flights of stairs, take the lift and walk down the hall to my place. After unloading, I have to drive around the streets and find a place to park, and then walk back.

This whole process is, of course, my new exercise program. Hopefully, I�ll build up some muscles doing all this walking and hauling of stuff.

Anyway, I then set about to prepare everything because, by the time I got home it was after 4:00pm. That�s what happens when you get up after 1:00pm. I got my lunches all ready and set about tackling my breakfasts. Only one little setback there. I planned on making some pasta salad however my stove/oven isn�t working. I believe my pilot light is out but I really didn�t have the energy to tackle that whole thing. I called the HotelManager, left a message and improvised for my breakfast tomorrow. Hopefully, that�ll be fixed by tomorrow night.

I also need to keep a closer eye on my actual food intake. I�ve been so busy that I�ve forgotten to eat. And, even when I went to The Diner yesterday � in order to eat � I, once again, picked at my food and spent most of my time pushing it around while I read the paper.

Today, I ate a peach. Yeah see, that�s just not enough food. I need my appetite back. Apparently, my appetite fled to the Bahamas or something. I wonder if they have an extradition agreement with the U.S. of A. If so, I need to file a petition post haste as I�m losing weight rather rapidly.

But, did you get that part where I get to walk to work tomorrow? Screw everything else because that is just too cool.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003