10:15 p.m. | 2003-07-15

Bloopers & Save The Words Campaign.

I�ve been training Diva Hair on that job I punted her way. Today, she called me with a question. Here�s that.

(DH:) Okay, so I need to contact all these various people right?

(CI:) Yes.

(DH:) Here�s my list so far. (She names all these different people.)

(CI:) Don�t forget the folks who were involved at the very beginning.

(DH:) Aren�t they the people at ThisCertainPlace?

(CI:) No. They�re the people from a different place, but I can�t remember exactly which one. It�s one that�s souther. Yeah. SOUTHER. Uh huh. That�s it. SOUTHER.

(DH:) Souther?! Girl, you are TOO funny!

Then we couldn�t stop laughing so I hung up and walked down the hall to her office to help her find the information in the file.

I managed to work �footcandles� and �fortnight� into conversations today, but I couldn�t manage to work the words �further south� into this simple discussion.

You know, I recently started a SAVE THE WORDS campaign to bring words such as footcandles and fortnight back into common usage. However, now there are more words in danger of extinction.

All of the words here at Diaryland. If you haven�t read Weetabix, go do so now. She does a great job of explaining how Diaryland is broke and needs more Gold Members and Supergold Members to keep going. She also has all the links you need to sign up for either memberships, or to make a donation if you�re not at Diaryland but enjoy reading people who are here.

A Gold Membership is about $31 a year which is about $2.58 a month. For a mere 9� a day you can create banners, add a site tracker, host images, backup your Diaryland entries and have a little fun with the random entry feature.

FOR NINE CENTS A DAY! There aren�t a lot of things you could buy for nine cents anymore. And, look at how much you get. That�s a hell of a deal.

If you bump up to Super Gold, you can also add comments, a webmail account and you can host even more images. In fact, I�m a Super Gold member myself. It�s hard to tell as I haven�t had time to figure out how to use all those features, but hell, I just have a ton of respect for all the hard work that Andrew does, and all the money he spends, providing everyone with an opportunity to have an online journal. Plus, he makes it so easy to use, you don�t have to know anything to start a diary. I think Andrew�s services are worth much more than 9� a day � don�t you?

If you can spare $31, become a Gold Member now! If not, I�ll continue my offer to sponsor at least one person. Which means, I�ll pay the $31 for you. Just send me a request via email. If you know someone else who needs a sponsor, send them over to dichroic. She�s also volunteered to donate a membership.

SAVE THE WORDS! And, for god�s sake, show Andrew some respect. Please. Otherwise, Weetabix will drag out Jerry Lewis and all.

Whoa. For some strange reason, I just pictured Jerry Lewis in Bix�s Bad Bar. There�s no way of predicting what would happen with that combination. You better just sign up quick. Hurry, I�m frightened now.

In other new � not necessarily exciting news, just �other� news � the Cable Company finally got me all hooked back up. So, I have TV now. That went a long way to lower my crankiness index today.

Am I watching TV right now? No. I�m not. But, I�m listening to it and that makes me happy.

I was cranky all day because I�m behind on my sleep, I�ve been through a lot of changes lately, and I�m still unpacking and organizing. I tell you, the Cable Company was trying my last nerve.

On a happier note, I really love living Downtown. And, walking to work is really a wonderful thing. Especially walking through a beautiful park.

I recently mentioned that I had a dinner date the other night. And, it was a DATE date, with a single man. A man who owns not one, but two CELL PHONES. How�s that for irony? Apparently, he loves the techno gadgets.

We were enjoying dinner when one of them started doing all this weird beeping. It didn�t ring or play a tune � at least not one I recognized � it just made all these beeping noises. It startled me which made him chuckle. He knows how I hate cell phones. He didn�t answer it though, and it �rang� several times, so he gets bonus points for polite usage of current technology.

It also made me realize that I recognize the rings of certain people�s cell phones. I often have to tell Boss that she�s �ringing� when we�re out and about. I also recognize Colleague�s, Intern�s, friends� and random Co-Workers� phones when they ring.

It�s odd when you start saying things like: �You�re ringing�. You know what�ll be next right? They�ll all get those phones that take pictures and I�ll start saying shit like: �Stop taking my picture with your phone�. What the hell are they gonna come up with next?

Meanwhile, SAVE THE WORDS. Word.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003