4:45 p.m. | 2003-10-20

I am back, today for something different I will be staging an interview with CI. Because she isnt involved I will be making everything totally up so pretty much ignore it if you want.

ME: did I ever tell you I saw a CD by someone with your name on sale for 50 cents in a pawnbrokers?

CI: Really? Cruel-Irony?

ME: yes

CI: Did you buy it?

ME: no.. but I did take the time to laugh and admire it with Heidi.

CI: nice

ME: Now there have also been rumours of your drunken debaucherie and streaking through parts of journalcon 2003, would you care to comment.

CI: No comment.

ME: And the internet rumour that you found Bobby from perceptions and slapped him up the side of the head.

CI: No comment

ME: and the rumour you danced on a table in the middle of journalcon and collected dollar bills?

CI: I can sue you for this you know. It is called slander

ME: I am anonymous, besides I have photos, now it is called blackmail.

CI: how much?

And that was pretty much where the conversation ended. I hope everyone else out there has been having a ball and I promise that it wont be much long before my crap is finished and CI is back here updating by herself again so hang in there!

Keep Smiling


your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003