10:53 p.m. | 2003-10-20

Rock On JournalCon, Rock On.

I�m experiencing a JournalCon hangover which seems to involve a huge desire to update while lacking any sort of clue of how to neatly wrap up 20 million experiences with a nice sparkly bow that would somehow reduce the huge amount of linkage that is to follow.

First off, I have to say that I was really disappointed that my buddy Tuff wasn�t able to attend, but I�m very glad that her surgery went well and that she�s breathing better already. Breathing is good. Just saying.

Anyway, I arrived early Friday evening and quickly found the always funny, gorgeous and silky-voiced Trance sitting in the main lounge with the entertaining, lovely and effervescent Weetabix, the adorable, humorous and quick-witted Chauffi and the pretty, charming and engaging Mare amongst others. (I just have to say that Mare has a kick-ass �victory dance� that she performed while scoring points against Chauffi in foosball. Pure kick-ass.)

Strangely, I thought it was of utmost importance that I officially checked in before ordering a drink. It could�ve been because of my Virgo ways, but more likely, it was my desire to make sure I got my swag bag. And, the swag ROCKED. But, sad to say, I missed the after-swag (swag that appeared after Friday night).

Somewhere in that whole process, I met Biensoul who is just so cute, sweet and totally endearing. And talented, but I�ll get to that later.

Oh ouch, here�s where another post-JournalCon symptom kicks in and I no longer have any sense of time or sequence. What follows is a bunch of impressions, thoughts and well, links. Of course.

On Friday, a bunch of us went out to eat at a Thai/Vietnamese restaurant. The food was great, the company fantastic and the walk� well, it was a little treacherous. But we made it back in time to attend Web Writers Gone Wild event. Every speaker was great. But, I must admit that Lucky made me laugh so hard I thought I might pee. I didn�t, but I could have.

Speaking of Lucky, I�m so flipping happy that I met her. See, JournalCon�s all wild like that. Every time I turned around, I met someone who�s just amazing. And, that never ended. I also met Tyger, Anita, Pecan, and Sundry.

Ouch again. Here�s yet another JournalCon hangover symptom. All this linking has made me really tired and I must get some rest. So, alas, this event is gonna take a couple of entries.

However, I do want to mention one more thing that I, personally, found hilarious. The Omni Hotel faces inward � it has kind of an atrium-like layout with the main floor open all the way up to the ceiling. (That�s like 15 stories or something.) Anyway, my point is that the Omni bar has a huge echo effect.

Mix together a bunch of JournalCon people in various states of intoxication who are speaking loudly and laughing hysterically and well� lets just say, we weren�t a quiet bunch.

And, just for the record, Trance was also my roomie and confeedant (Hogan�s Heroes, oh, how I miss thee) but she was a bad influence on me.

More to follow. Tomorrow.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003