11:53 p.m. | 2003-12-02

I Often Forget That The World Doesn�t Revolve Around Me.

I grew up thinking that people know what I mean when I say things. And, that they know what I like or dislike, do or don�t do, believe in or not believe in. I don�t know how many years I thought that, but it was many, many years.

I was a little slow on figuring out that the whole world doesn�t read my mind every moment of every day.

Which means that I�m sometimes blindsided. Like the other day, when I ran into Mr. Builder again. Here�s some of that.

(MB:) You look really fit. Do you work out?

(CI:) (Busting out in laughter.) Uh, no.

(MB:) Why is that funny? Your chin� it looks like you work out. You look fit.

(CI:) (Frankly, I don�t know what my chin has to do with anything, and I certainly never thought it was a monument to my fitness. But, whatever.) Look, I don�t �work out�. I don�t �exercise�. In the traditional sense. If I�m fit, it�s because I climb up and down stairs, carry things and walk a lot. A lot. I can�t exercise if I believe I�m exercising.

(MB:) Well, you look like you exercise.

(CI:) Thank you.

See, that�s where I get off track a lot. He�s trying to say that I look good but I�m hearing the words.

Exercise? Bah hooey. And, again, what does my chin have to do with all that?

Ironically, I do more climbing up stairs, carrying things and walking than he does. He works out in a gym. I get my fitness for free; he pays for his. You can do a lot for free.

Just saying.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003