10:08 p.m. | 2004-02-16

Is It Possible To Overdose On Reality TV Shows?

Better yet, is it possible to have a �reality� show? At least one that wouldn�t bore that pants off you. Don�t get me wrong, I�m addicted for sure, however, there�s not a whole lot of reality involved. And, I love the producers for that reason alone. And, that�s probably the only reason.

Because creatively? There�s not a lot there. I see a whole bunch of reliance on tried and true methods. Such as, um, alcohol (or whatever), sex, manipulation and selective editing. Oh, and some sort of desire for 15 minutes of fame. Or something. Personally, I think most of us are somewhat familiar with those techniques.

Yet, it works. They sell it and I buy it. Simple as that.

However, I must say that I�ve experienced moments of reality that are absolutely unbelievable. But, those instances are few and far between. For the most part. I mean, if you actually filmed me 24/7, you�d have to do a lot of editing. Mostly you�d see the same repetitive stuff. Working, sleeping, cooking, shopping, laundry, and chores � oh, look I�m reading the paper.

In other words, my life is pretty much as exciting as my diary. And, just as repetitive.

That said, I slept in, watched some TV, continued catching up with my internet reads, did laundry, and took out the recyclables. Oh, and for added excitement, I read an article or two in the newspaper.

And, I have to say, sadly, that the reading of the paper that I actually subscribe to has taken a back seat to all the papers I have to read � daily � for my job.

In other news, after this rather relaxing four-day weekend, it�s back to work tomorrow. I�m looking forward to it actually. Albeit, I have to admit that I�d be more motivated if that whole kindergarten �nap time� thing was part of the workday.

With Murphy beds rather than nap mats through. Um, now that I think about it, that�s probably not a thing I should encourage. Naps in the workplace? Yes. Beds in the workplace? Um, no. Perhaps nap mats aren�t such a bad idea after all.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003