11:03 p.m. | 2004-02-19

So, There It Is. I mean, THERE IT IS.

Oh, and that�s the only line I know. That�ll be important later, but not now.

I wandered down the hall late in the workday to check in with Unit Assistant (UA), and to ask about a few things. Now, UA�s desk is right outside of NewBoss� office, so I try not to linger lest I get new assignments.

However, at that point in time, OMC was meeting with NewBoss about one of his analyses, hence, I lingered at UA�s desk. Plus, there�s a cushy chair that begs me to sit. Of course, at the end of the day, a slab of concrete makes the same offer so that�s not a giant leap.

Anyway, I was cognizant of the fact that OMC and NewBoss were discussing some obscure issue whilst I consulted with UA. I must say that NewBoss tends to speak loudly and his voice has a particular timbre that resonates quite a distance. In other words, it�s hard not to hear him.

But, I paid him no mind. Pretty much. Until I heard this. And, what follows is the actual dialogue peppered with words that I made up because I wasn�t paying attention.

(OMC:) Look, why don�t you just SAY that I�m an asshole?

(NB:) YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE, YOU ASSHOLE!!!! Heh. Remember that movie OMC?

(OMC:) Uh, no.

(NB:) HEY, CI? YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE, YOU ASSHOLE!!!! Remember that movie?

(CI:) (Thinking, oh, please Baby Jesus, don�t do that to me.) I remember one movie [line], [from] Amadeus, and so, �there it is�.


(CI:) Touch�. (Turning back to UA.)


(CI:) Oh, that was a GREAT movie. Yeah, it could�ve/would�ve have been from that movie. But, you know, I don�t memorize lines and whatnot. I�m not trying to be an actress or anything. That WAS a great movie though. Heh.

(NB:) (Turning back to OMC.) Do you remember that movie? Were you even born then?

The birth year difference between NB and OMC? About 4 years.

My ability to quote lines from any movie? Zilch.

And it�s really bad when you have to bracket your own words.

Yet, there it is.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003