10:30 p.m. | 2004-03-09

Three IS Company Sometimes.

It�s hard to explain but OMC and I were in an office together for a few weeks, maybe a month, and then were moved into another office and NewOfficeMate (NOM) was added. And, we�re down the hall from the rest of the Division.

The dynamics between two and three are interesting. OMC and I already had a �bond�, if you will, so a third person added another dimension to it. It changed things. Here�s an example.

(CI:) (No one was in when I came in so I flipped on my TV.) Cool. No one�s here yet. (Talking to myself, of course.)

(OMC:) Hey, Good Morning CI. Where�s NOM? Oh, I want to watch that too. (Note that we weren�t watching regular TV; we were watching our �work TV� � special channels that bring our work right to our desks. Don�t even ask me how tempting it is to change the channel.)

(CI:) She�s at a meeting.

(OMC:) Cool.

Pretty soon after that, OMC and I were discussing something while our TV�s were blaring. Then, he started bouncing my stress ball off the wall. At some point, we looked at each other and busted out because while we were working and such, we were also totally hanging out.

For some reason, when you add NOM to the mix, we feel like we have to act �professional�. Perhaps because she acts very professional. And, we don�t really know her yet.

And, since I don�t really know her yet, and she doesn�t really know me, I found her input in this conversation very interesting.

(NewBoss:) Hey CI, there was national news commentary, recently, about this case which I believe ties into one of your files. See, there�s this guy who�s a fugitive and he did this thing and it was a really big story on this NewsChannel. I don't know if it happened in MyState though.

(CI:) Hmm, I don�t recognize the victim�s name � maybe it did happen in another state � but it does sound like it deals directly with my current file. I need to look into that.

(NB:) (Handing me a sticky note.) All I have is the victim�s last name and what NewsChannel it was on. Maybe you could go to the NewsChannel website and find the story that way.

(CI:) Great. Thanks. I�ll look it up.

NewBoss started discussing other things with NOM while I quickly looked it up the way I normally do. I scanned several articles before this.

(CI:) Hey, NB? It did happen in MyState. Did this guy escape or something because he�s in custody� not a fugitive. It still relates, but they have this guy.

(NB:) Are you sure?

(NOM:) If she says he�s not a fugitive, then I�m quite sure he�s not. She knows what she�s talking about.

That threw me for a short loop because I don�t really know NOM and she doesn�t really know me. Except, workwise. She hears my daily conversations but that�s about it. Maybe that�s why she said that. I don�t know, it just threw me. However, it didn�t stop me � not much does. To wit.

(CI:) I can call the cops and verify it, but I�d bet you that I�m right on that.

(NB:) Well then, what was the NewsChannel guy so adamant about? I thought he was talking about the stuff that relates to your file.

(OMC:) Because he�s always adamant?

(CI:) Yes he is and probably was. See, here�s the common part of the case � the part he was probably all excited about. Thanks for bringing this to my attention because it�ll tie it all up nicely. It gives me another angle I didn�t have. Thanks.

(NB:) So it works for you?

(CI:) Very much so. And, oddly, I didn�t hear of this case, so thanks. It leads to a bunch of information and numbers that bolster my analysis. That�s cool.

Oh and my �new� yet not so new car? I�m loving it.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003