11:11 p.m. | 2004-04-22

You Say Bacon, I Say Baaacon. Bacon All The Time.

Today was fraught with meetings. In fact, the first meeting was so early, I just walked over there from home. In case you don�t know, mornings aren�t my brightest moments. Of course, normally, the first thing I attend to when I get to work is my breakfast. Well, and water. I eat a lot of food and drink a lot of water.

And, I�m so not a morning person.

Since it didn�t make any sense to walk all the way to work (�all the way� being two blocks), only to walk those two blocks back in order to walk several blocks in a different direction, I just went directly to the meeting place. I arrived a tad bit early, which was no big deal, but it did cause a little ripple. If you will.

I brought my appetite with me, of course. Along with my hindsight which suggested that I should have grabbed a bottle of water too. I did, however, get there early enough to grab a glass of tap water and a bagel. I�m not a fan of either of those things, but there it was.

Now, I have to admit that I�ve become somewhat of a snob about tap water since moving Downtown. In all the other places that I�ve lived, tap water has been just fine. Downtown? Not so much. At home, I drink filtered water; at work, I drink bottled water.

Mostly because Downtown tap water is full of dirt. And, because I like my water really, really cold. (Just as a note, the only time my tap water is really, really cold is when the hot water is turned off and I have to shower in cold water. Then, it's COLD.)

So, I�m a water snob.

Anyway, I got there in time to go to the restroom, fill a glass of tap water and grab a bagel. Well, and pick a place to sit. Here�s how that turned out.

I ended up separated from the rest of the Division, I inadvertently chose a seat between the two speakers, I choked down a bagel and all my co-workers were jealous that I had water with which to wash down my �breakfast�.

Oh, and the meeting had absolutely nothing to do with my topical area so I had no idea what they were talking about, but tried my best to appear interested. While everyone was looking my way since I sat between the two presenters. First thing in the morning. With everyone in my Division staring longingly at my coveted glass of tap water.

I was a very happy person when that all ended.

Afterwards, while everyone was doing the meet-n-greet thing, OMC came and sat next to me in order to grab a bagel. This is that.

(OMC:) This bagel would be so much better with bacon.

(CI:) Yeah.

(OMC:) Better yet if it just was bacon.

(CI:) Okay, now I�m hearing you.

(OMC:) What about putting the cream cheese on the bacon?

(CI:) Mmmm. Bacon.

(OMC & CI:) Everything�s better with bacon. Definitely.

After that offsite meeting, we attended our normal weekly meeting which lasted until lunch.

What�d I have for lunch? A bacon cheeseburger, of course. However, by that point, I would�ve loved just a plate of bacon.

In fact, I still want a plate of bacon. Excuse me while I go write that down on my grocery list.

Bacon, bacon, bacon.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003