11:17 p.m. | 2004-06-05

Paybacks Are A Bitch.

I was really, really grumpy this past week. Quite bitchy, actually. And, unfortunately, UnitAssistant (UA) bore the brunt of it. Mostly because we spend a lot of work time together. Plus we�re friends.

Unfair? Yes. True? Yes.

So, pretty much, I alternated between grumping at her and apologizing. A lot. Of both. In fact, to make up for my bitchiness, I took bought her lunch at one of her favorite restaurants, apologized profusely and lent her a hand.

I also brought my tabletop fountain to work. She�s been wanting a fountain for the common area �coffee� table � which is what she looks at all day long. Just recently, an abstract piece of art, which resembles a fish tank, was installed above the table. We both agreed that a fountain would be a great finishing touch.

I�ve been meaning to bring my fountain � a gift from DearestSister � to work for my office, but decided to put it in the common area instead. Since the �coffee� table is right outside my office, I figured that it�d not only benefit me, but could also lower the general stress level in the Unit.

Yesterday, UA and I put it together, placed it on the table and plugged it in.

Let me just say that this fountain has magical powers. Anyone who gets anywhere near it instantly relaxes. Or, well, falls asleep. It�s amazing the effect it has on everyone. That and the fish tank in OMC�s new office have definitely mellowed folks out.

I believe that I previously noted that UA � in a moment of insanity � joined the Local Fuchsia Club (LFC). She just recently turned 24. In case you don�t know, most local gardening/flower clubs are chock full of senior citizens. Totally. Which is why I�ve never joined any of them.

Not that I don�t love the seniors. Just that they talk. A lot. Hours upon hours. Considering that I live next door to the SeniorCenter, I really don�t need any more seniors in my life.

UA didn�t know that the gardening/flower clubs were full of elders until she went to the first meeting. She�s the youngest person in the club actually. The other �young� person is in his forties. She does love the fuchsias though.

They know that, of course. It�s the proverbial carrot they dangle in front of her. It works. Kinda. Her meeting attendance is sketchy and she usually doesn�t do the special events. Except this weekend. Here�s that.

(UA:) Hey CI, whatcha doing this weekend?

(CI:) The usual. Work, chores, sleep. Same old, same old.

(UA:) I�ve got something fun for you to do.

(CI:) Really?

(UA:) Yeah. The LFC is having a show tomorrow. You could get some great fuchsias really cheap.

(CI:) Are you working it?

(UA:) Uh, yeah. I got roped into it. And, it�s potluck for the workers so I have to bring a salad too. Oh, I hate this kind of stuff. But, I�ll get some great fuchsias really cheap.

(CI:) The Carrot. Heh. So, where is it and whatnot?

(UA:) It�s at ThisPlace. Do you know where that is?

(CI:) Not specifically, but generally I know that area. I�m sure I can find it. What time?

(UA:) I don�t know.

(CI:) Knowing the seniors, it probably starts at 6:00am.

(UA:) No. See, I�m NOT getting up early for this thing. And, I don�t know what kind of salad I�m gonna make either. I�ll just show up whenever and I�ll bring whatever. They�ll just have to live with that. I�m not staying there all day either. But you should go. You�ll love it! Great plants, great prices! You really should go.

(CI:) I might just do that.

And, I did. Was UA there? Um, no. Were all the seniors there? Of course. Normally, I love flower shows, but I was wary of all the elders. I had a bunch of stuff to do and didn�t have time for any marathon discussions.

I pretty much did a quick run through of all the rooms looking for UA. She wasn�t in the building so I checked outside. Which is where they were actually selling the plants. I was clipping along until the cutest fuchsia ever caught my eye. It garnered my attention long enough for someone to ramble over and give me all the low down on that particular variety.

I went to the show to support UA � since I was the grumpmeister all this week � and she wasn�t even there. But, I do have the cutest fuchsia ever sitting on the porch. I�ll transplant it tomorrow.

I�ll tell you what though� after seeing all her fellow club members, I�m glad I never joined a garden/flower club. Great people, I�m sure. But, no. Maybe when I�m a senior myself.

The SeniorCenter next door is quite enough for now.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003