10:59 p.m. | 2004-06-08

What A Day. I Say. Because I Can. So I Am.

Work has become my life. That�s okay to a point, but it goes beyond that point. It hinders my expressions here, both by restriction and the fact that I�m working a lot. In other words, I can�t really talk about work because of its nature, plus I don�t have a lot of time to talk about it since I�m always working.

My diary material, if you will, has been reduced to things I can�t repeat, don�t have time to repeat or are just boring generally. I work, eat, sleep, do chores and whatnot. Lots of interesting stuff happens, of course. But, I can�t always share.

However, I�ll share my day today, but I�m gonna be all cryptic about it. If�n you don�t like that, go read girlsdontcry.

First off, I had to go in early. Well, I didn�t have to, but I did. Because I had to go to MyOtherWorkPlace and be all articulate and shit. I think by now you guys should know that I�m so not a morning person. I have to actually jumpstart my brain � without caffeine. Go on and try it yourself. It�s not so easy.

Plus, I had to review something I wrote months ago. I write something different everyday � I�m talking work, not my diary � so, once I�ve written it and it�s been approved, I promptly forget it because I�m writing a bunch of other stuff.

I write a lot. About many different things. I have files. I get attached to some more than others. In a broad sense, I�ve been dealing with things relating to this particular file for several years. There are faces behind what I write. I don�t always meet them, but yeah. This time, I know the faces. But, I have to be professional at the same time.

And, this is the first time I went to MyOtherWorkPlace with NewBoss. Let me just say that we both know �people�. It can take some time to walk a few paces when both parties know their own people and jointly know other people.

You have to have a determined stride sometimes. Trust me, I walked my ass off. Sorta. I mean, my ass is still there, but I got a workout today.

Everything went well too. It wasn�t a bad day at all � just that it was a little rushed, convoluted and weird.

Too many of my worlds collided today. But, in a good way.

See, I can�t talk about it in a way that makes sense. However, it�s my diary, so there it is. It�s a record for me.

For you, the reader, I offer up the following.

(NB:) Hey, MyFriend (MF, ironically, not intentionally), how are you?

(MF:) Great.

(NB:) (Noticing my blank stare.) CI, this is MF. (Handshaking and all that.) He�s head of the �Short Peoples� Association�. Ha.

As a side note, the person was on the short side but not at all related to any such group.

(CI:) Really? I believe I'm a member of that group. Ha.

(MF:) I�m also a representative of the E-I-E-I-O club.

(CI:) Heh.

After we left MF and were walking down the hallway, this happened.

(CI:) Hey NB, can you get me into the E-I-E-I-O club? That sounds like something I�d be interested in. You know how I love the letters and all. They make words, you know? That�s how sentences happen. I want to be in that club. Can you get me in?

(NB:) Shut up.

Just for the record, he said that last remark in his head. I received it via his eyes. I don�t want to put words in his mouth.

Well, I do. But not those particular words.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003