12:58 a.m. | 2004-06-19

Sign Me Up For Fun.

My life has become work. Pretty much. Just to remind you, I�ve been working for over 20 years and I attended night school for 14 of those precious years. And yes, I�m a little bitter about all that, but that�s not my point.

My point is that I should be having some fun right about now. In fact, it�s now a goal. That�s pathetic really. I gave up my fun years to work and school only to be rewarded with, um, more work. That�s not fun.

Now I�m approaching my 40�s and have a health issue. That wasn�t in the plan. Real life, of course, but not what I�d planned.

So dammit, I�m gonna have some fun. Even if it fricking kills me. To wit.

(UA:) Whacha doing this weekend?

(CI:) Uh, sleeping and chores mostly. However, I�m bound and determined to have some fun so I�m gonna force myself to do, um, something. Is anything going on this weekend?

(UA:) Yeah. There�s the LocalFestival. I really want to check it out. I�ve been wanting to for a whole year.

(CI:) Really? Because I�ve been wanting to attend the LocalFestival for about 15 years. Truly. But, I was always working, in class, doing homework or housework.

(UA:) Would you go with me?

(CI:) Absolutely.

So it�s set. UA and I are going to the LocalFestival tomorrow. Which is way cool. It�s also cool that she�s totally not a morning person so I don�t even have to get up early. And, she just wants to hang out for a couple of hours, you know, all laid back. I like that. I can do that.

What�s even more cool is that UA HATES calling people, and she�s somewhat flaky because of that, but she called me like she said she would. She may call me tomorrow and cancel � or just not show up � but I�m okay with all that.

In other news, you probably don�t remember that I�ve mentioned BB in the past � mostly because I didn�t use that moniker, and well, you don�t cling to my every word � but I have more news about BB.

I don�t know a lot about BB other than he�s at MyWorkPlace everyday. There are several different departments, if you will, at MyWorkPlace and I don�t really know which one he works for. I do know that I usually see him when I arrive at work.

And, I know that he�s reticent, yet very friendly.

Anyway, we�ve had some odd exchanges. This is that.

(BB:) Hi CI.

(CI:) Hey BB, how�s it going?

(BB:) Great. Um, I need to talk to you about something, okay?

(CI:) Sure.

(BB:) I�ll talk to you later.

See, I thought he�d just talk to me then, but he didn�t. In fact, many weeks went by without nary a word. Then this happened.

(BB:) Good Morning CI.

(CI:) �Morning.

(BB:) Hey, I�d like you to introduce me to someone someday. Would you?

(CI:) Uh, sure.

Again, many weeks have passed. I finally received a message from BB today.

When BB told me that he needed to talk to me, I thought he was going to complain about something I was doing. Mostly because, well, he�s complained about it many times before. When BB told me he wanted me to introduce him to someone, I presumed he meant the young lady down the hall who made a brief appearance in very brief outfits.

But, I was wrong. Again, I had to wait weeks to discover that he�s a student looking for some contacts. I have those and I�m more than willing to share.

BB�s very cryptic. I appreciate that. Mostly because �cryptic� is my first language. It�s probably my second language also.

If you shook out my brain, I'm pretty sure you'd be rained with ASCII.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003