8:59 p.m. | 2004-10-27

Speaking Of Dorks.

I was working today and UnitAssistant (UA) came into my office for a little break. We had an interesting conversation. Which only serves to illustrate my general dorkiness. This is that.

(UA:) Can I visit for a few?

(CI:) Sure, grab a chair. (I crack myself up every time I say that as I only have one spare chair in my office. It doesn�t take much to crack me up. Obviously.)

(UA:) Hey, what�d you think of the discovery of those ancient isolated peoples?

(CI:) Absolutely fascinating. I also found it interesting that in isolated areas that lack significant predators and sufficient food sources, animals evolve into miniature versions of themselves. Fascinating. I want to study that more. Oh! Wait! I HAVE to tell you something.

(UA:) I can see that. What?

(CI:) I found the man of my dreams (slight exaggeration) this weekend. He was on my TV.

(UA:) On your TV?

(CI:) On it, er in it� whatever. See, I was watching HGTV and I checked ahead in my TV Guide to see when it would be a good time to take a break and cook my breakfasts for the week� well, that�s not really important. Anyway, I saw a program called Gardens of ThisPlace.

(UA:) What? Are you serious? They have gardens there?

(CI:) Exactly. I had no idea. It makes perfect sense now, but I never thought of that before. So, of course, I couldn�t miss that show so I pushed back my cooking. But, more importantly, there was this guy on the show who works there � I think, not sure � and is way into the gardens and the history of ThisPlace. Can you believe that?! History! And, gardens! Like, historical gardens!

(UA:) No!

(CI:) Yes! Two of my biggest passions. He wasn�t wearing a wedding ring either � I checked. Plus, he said several times that he goes there often which probably means he lives somewhere near ThisPlace. (ThisPlace is not that far from MyTown.) He�s handsome too.

(UA:) Really? What�s his name?

(CI:) I don�t know! Dammit. I thought I had it memorized� I mean, why would I forget it? Did I write it down? No, because I�d never forget it. Of course, I forgot it. I�m gonna look it up right now. (Looking on the Net.) Oh my God! This is him. Right here. He�s got an email address!

(UA:) We gotta go there.

(CI:) I�ve always wanted to go there but I really want to go now that I know it has gardens too. We gotta go there.

(UA:) We�ll go and just spend the whole day at ThisPlace.

(CI:) Absolutely. History and gardens! Where are these men? I mean, when they�re not on HGTV. Why do I always meet guys that are always into um� nothing but um, sports (I practically spit that word out even though I�m not anti-sports or anything � just not 24 hours a day.) and that kinda stuff?

We�re already planning that trip. I can�t wait.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003