10:08 p.m. | 2006-05-09

Two Steps Backwards Often Means Five Steps Forward.

I�ve been trying to do a lot of things lately. With myself, just to be clear. Trying to be all fashionable, pulled together, personable and whatnot. Smile all the time kind of crap.

Know what I�ve learned? Poppycock.

In case you don�t know, my eyebrows are not finely trimmed. They�re also not offensively joined together above the bridge of my nose. That much I know. In case I don�t know how �full� my brows are, oh, I�ve been told. Lots of times. Of course, remarks like that send me off to find the plucking tools. Same thing with make-up... off to find some brushes. The shoes, same deal. High heels bought and worked into the routine. Fashion? More money but same deal. All things to make me better I suppose.

However, I comply some of the time. Or rather, I�ve been complying for the last couple of years. Been plucking the brows, applying make-up, wearing high heals and donning fashionable clothes. When it all comes together, it�s good. I�ll admit that. But lately, not so much.

The brows and the make-up routines have been cast aside. I�m still working the high heels and fashionable clothes. Sometimes, to me, that�s enough.

In other words, I�ve gone back to myself. What I�m comfortable with. Personally, I think my brows are cute and I�m fine without makeup. That�s just me. Ignoring those things have never hampered my ability to make friends or attract boyfriends.

And currently, I have a ton of friends. No issue there. Boyfriends? Not so much. But I haven�t been trying. Haven�t wanted to venture out into that territory. However, I've realized that I get the best results when I�m just me. When I am myself. And, I�m most comfortable with myself when I�m not all hung up about my eyebrows. Or shoes. Or whatever.

When I just am. When I point out the ironically absurd things in life. Like the elevator in my building. It displays all the phone numbers to call in the case of an emergency, except there�s no phone in the elevator nor is there any reception for cell phones. And, of course, I don�t have a cell phone. So, if I�m ever stuck in the elevator in my building, well okay, I�ll just live off my fat stores and nevermind about my eyebrows. That�ll be the least of my problems at that point.

But, the best part would be that I�d go down with a sense of humor. A good one at that. And, trust me, I�d find a way to leave a message. There�s a lot I can do with a little thread, snaps, screws and a hair-brained idea.

A hair-brained idea? That never goes out of fashion.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003