8:18 p.m. | 2003-05-12

I�ll Take Flair Over Flare Any Day. Like Today, For Example.

Yup, I all flared up again. Lets see� my hands and ears feel like they�re on fire, it�s excruciatingly painful to bend my fingers, my legs hurt, my eyes sting (allergies) and I�m having beaucoup muscle spasms in my arms, hands and fingers.


Sorry, just accidentally threw my mouse. It�s been like this all day. Various things that I threw or dropped due to muscle spasms: pen, pencil, highlighter, phone receiver, water glass (empty� phew), 2 files, TV remote control, car keys and the newspaper. Fortunately, no one was hurt. But, don�t try this shit at home folks. You could put an eye out, ya know? These stunts should only be performed by seasoned fibromyalgia sufferers, and others who suffer regularly from random muscle spasms.

And, good Lord, you should see my handwriting! People use to compliment me on my penmanship, now they ask me to interpret it. And, sometimes, I can�t even decipher it.

Actually, you youngsters might appreciate it because it often looks something like this: cAlL JaNe dOe rE fiLe. Other times, it looks like this: #@%? *%(! (~*] $# ^:@$ - which I�m sure a good pharmacist could understand.

Thank God for computers otherwise I might be reduced to completing my analyses with those magnetic plastic letters I played with as a child. Could you imagine the surface area I would need to produce a 9-page document?

Hopefully, the warm weather will persist and my flare will die down soon. Meanwhile, if I were you, I�d stay outside of my throwing range.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003