6:48 p.m. | 2003-05-22

It Was A Killer Day.

A painkiller day, that is. I�m not quite sure what I did during my rather unrestful slumber last night, but judging by the pain I woke up with, I had one hell of a time. So, I had to stay home today to medicate, rest and recover.

I rarely take my painkillers because they make me so violently sick, but they do offer some sort of relief. You know, chronic pain becomes really monotonous after a few years. And, annoying. It could be worse though, so I�m just going to ignore it and move along now.

Okay, I just got interrupted, but I�m back now.

Lets review my situation. I stayed home from work today and took a painkiller. It�s very warm here and I chose raggedy, broken-in, OLD clothes � that don�t hurt my skin � to wear. Which means I clash horribly and I�m certainly not looking my best. Plus I�m walking funny, only one arm works and I�ve been vomiting all day.

So, of course, someone just HAD to stop by unexpectedly. A gentleman (G) who�s running for City Council stopped by to introduce himself. Well, and to ask for my vote. Here are some highlights.

(G:) So, do you work at TheHospital?

(CI:) No, I work OverThere (MyWorkPlace).

(G:) Oh, I used to work OverThere (MyOtherWorkPlace). Maybe that�s why your name sounds familiar.

(CI:) That�s great that you�re out walking the district yourself. I�ve walked for someone before; it�d hard work. Since I have walked for someone before, I�m sure your list there has all my voter registration information. Can you do me a favor and tell me this?

(G:) Sure. Um, who�d you walk for?

(CI:) BFB.

(G:) Oh, I know BFB from working OverThere (MyOtherWorkPlace). Hey, can I ask you for a favor?

(CI:) Sure.

(G:) It�s really hot out here and I�ve run out of water, can I get some water from your hose?

(CI:) You can but I can give you cold, filtered water instead, if you prefer.

(G:) Great, thanks. So can I count on your vote?

(CI:) Well, I�m going to need a little more information than what I have here to make a decision, but I�ll certainly follow your campaign. If I like what I see, then I�ll be happy to vote for you.

(G:) Thanks, I�d appreciate that. And, thanks for the water.

Gah. I hope I didn�t have puke-breath too.

your thoughts?

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JournalCon 2003