5:22 p.m. | 2002-06-02

Apricots, Faith & Possibilities.

The other day, I noticed an apricot nestled comfortably in the grass in my backyard. Immediately, I was suspicious of this apricot. I don't have an apricot tree and there's no expectation that an apricot would just drop by. (Excuse the pun.) This occurrence being so odd and all, I figured it must be a sign from Spirit, or God, or whomever.

So, I think, what does an apricot mean? Well, it's peach in color and that color represents gentle strength and joy. Oh, absolutely. I need both of those things. So, for days, I keep that in mind.

The next time I go in the backyard, there are two apricots resting softly on my lawn. Okay, I think. I really need to be all about gentle strength and joy. I'm hearing that. Then, I go in the back a couple of days later and there are at least a half-dozen apricots in my yard. And, when I started gardening, the mystery was solved. There's an apricot tree in the alley and squirrels take them and eat them in one of my trees. And they drop some.

But, ya know what, it's better sometimes to not have a logical answer to questions. That's what faith is about - any kind of faith. Faith in god, spirit, fate, luck, karma, etc. Whatever works for you. Faith in anything takes you to the imaginative world. One in which you'll discover stuff you'll never find in the logical world.

Yeah, I knew from the beginning that a squirrel was probably behind the mystery. But, I chose to ignore that possibility. And, so many more doors opened for me. It just takes an apricot.

During life, you'll be presented with different paths. Take the paths of possibilities rather than probabilities. You'll find more opportunities. And more peace.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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