10:03 p.m. | 2002-07-10

Okay, So I Can�t Delegate Grunt Work.

Maybe I can�t because I think I�m the only flipping person in the WORLD who can do it right. Maybe. I actually think it�s because I have spent years doing grunt work and it�s really, well, yucky. And, unrewarding. So, I feel guilty pawning the grunt work off on someone else. Yes, I am educated, experienced and hold a position that would warrant passing that off to, well, the secretary. I even hate that term: �the secretary�. She/He has a name, ya know? I�m not above grunt work at all. Obviously, since I do it on a regular basis.

To me, it�s like asking someone to wipe your ass. Yet, I�ve crawled up my little ladder far enough that I can ask someone else to do that stuff. But, I can�t. No one likes to do the grunt work. It bears repeating. No one likes to do grunt work. I�ll do it because it needs to be done and I won�t ask someone else to do it because they don�t want to do it either.

However, I get a little indignant that I�m still doing this stuff even though I crawled my way up to somewhere in the middle. I paid a lot of bucks for my education, still do actually, and I have paid my dues in the workforce. Twenty flipping years. But I feel guilty when I ask someone to transfer a call for me because I no longer remember how to do that, and I don�t want to cut someone off. Which I would do if I did the transfer since I don�t know how to do it.

And, I like that part of me that isn�t too good to do the grunt work. But, I also hate that part. I feel like I made a huge investment to not do stuff that I don�t want to do, and alas, I still keep doing it. (There's a double negative in that sentence, for sure!)

I am my worst enemy sometimes.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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