7:10 p.m. | 2002-08-08

Tales from the Other Side.

Working downtown has its rather odd quirks. One is street commentary from, well, some of the folks that live on the streets.

As a woman walked by me today she said:

�You don�t ever buy me nothing. Nothing. Nope, you don�t ever buy me nothing.�

Then as she walked back by me she said:

�Yeah, I love ya too honey. I�ll kiss your boo-boo.�

These things were said with such conviction that I believe they may have once been statements that had a contextual relevance, but alas, they�re now thrown about in a random order.

And, as I walked past a man, he said this:

�There�s blood dripping everywhere. Red, red blood. Dripping everywhere.�

That too may have once had a contextual relevance but I�m quite sure I don�t want to know anything about that.

By far the most startling thing said to me was this:

�You mother-fucking cunt. I�m gonna bitch-slap ya.�

I didn�t take this comment personally, but the na�ve business man walking behind me and felt moved to walk up to this huge, crazy man to tell him he shouldn�t talk to young ladies like that.

I hightailed it into the building. I didn�t stick around to tell the businessman that some comments are just rhetorical in function and out of context. I�m sure he�ll learn that soon enough.

It sure keeps things interesting. And, it makes the traditional �Hi, how ya doing?� greeting seem rather bland and unimaginative.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003