9:43 p.m. | 2002-08-06

A Celebrity Mud-Wrestling Match I Would Watch.

Anna Nicole Smith versus Martha Stewart. Need I say more? (Ya know ole Anna would willingly disrobe and wallow in the mud while ole Martha would be wearing a wool three-piece-suit and abhorring getting any kinda mud on herself.)

Obviously, I watched Anna Nicole Smith�s (ANS�s) TV debut. I resisted the first run, but went for the rerun. I really thought, from the promos, that it was satire. But, apparently, it�s a �real life show�.

Did anyone else notice that her attorney�s name is Howard Stern? (Howard P. Stern to be precise and to distinguish him from any other Howard Stern.) And, do you think her staff wasn�t happy to share ANS�s weirdness with the rest of the world? (Lots of eye-rolling, see-what-I-gotta-deal-with stuff going on there.)

Oh lord, and her son. Would you not be the most embarrassed teenager in the world?

If it was a satire, it would cover HGTV�s House Hunting, TLC�s A Makeover Story, Animal Planet�s Animal Precinct, and A&E�s Investigative Reports. Oh, and Playboy Channel�s something or another. If you are not Anna Nicole, get down on your knees now and thank God or whomever you worship!

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seed flower

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