4:50 p.m. | 2002-08-10

Home Sweet Home.

Here are some things I love about living alone.

It�s very peaceful. No drama. No temper tantrums. No yelling or screaming. Well, unless I, myself, decide to yell and scream and throw a dramatic temper tantrum. I really don�t have the energy for all that. And, there�s no audience, so it doesn�t really get me anywhere.

I don�t have to cook, clean or go grocery shopping if I don�t want to.

I make all the rules and I can break all the rules.

I always know where everything is. Okay, most of the time I do. When I hide things (like my valuables), however, I never find them again. Until I move.

I get to watch whatever I want on TV, whenever I want.

I get to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. (Unless I forgo the grocery shopping.)

I never trip over toys or big man shoes. (I trip over my own feet a lot, so I don�t need any help from inanimate objects strewn carelessly about.)

I get to hog the whole bed every night. Sleeping in the middle is great!

I can sleep in late. Or, for that matter, sleep whenever I want to.

Conversely, I can stay up late or go to bed early.

I can be as lazy as I want without feeling guilty.

I can spend all weekend reading a book without interruption.

I don�t have to answer the phone if I don�t want to.

I don�t have to rush anyone to the emergency room at 1:00am and sit around anxiously for hours.

I can be as bitchy as I want to be without bothering anyone else. (Well, other than myself.)

I don�t get looks of pity and concern with I�m thrashing in pain, having muscle spasms, falling down, or vomiting violently (from meds). And, I don�t hit anyone when I throw things. (If I�m holding something when I have muscle spasms in my arms, I have a tendency to fling it unexpectedly and rather violently.)

I look forward to going home everyday after work and I like hanging out here on the weekends.


Here are some of the things that aren�t so great about living alone.

I have to take out the trash.

I have to do the yard work. (The gardeners do all the mowing and stuff, and I just do all the gardening stuff, so I don�t really mind. It�s the watering that can get tiresome.)

I have to do all the cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping. Oh, and the laundry.

Occasionally, it�s lonely. (Not that often but having the whole bed to myself isn�t always fun and sometimes it would be nice to watch a movie with someone or something.)

I have to unclog sinks and stuff.

I have to kill and dispose of any unwanted bugs.

I have to do all the heavy lifting.

There�s no one here when I need a great big hug.


All in all, I actually really enjoy living alone. I also enjoy living with someone else too as long as I have an adequate amount of time and space alone when I want or need it.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003