10:48 p.m. | 2002-08-14

Ahhh� Girl�s Night Out.

I had dinner with one of my girlfriends. (Translate: dinner, talk/bitch fest, laughter and eye-rolling.)

Okay, so back in the day, Girl�s Night Out was on Friday night with several girlfriends and lots of free drinks (sent by ogling men) and an attempt to solve the problems of the world. That was back in the 20-something days.

Now, it�s much more sedate. Weeknight. One girlfriend. One, maybe two, drinks. Sheepish attempts to solve our very own problems. But some things are the same. TONS of talking/bitching, LOTS of eye-rolling, BUCKETS of laughing, mostly at ourselves. But, no free drinks. What�s up with that? Oh yeah, it�s Wednesday and we�re not at a pick-up joint or even a bar. (We�re at a restaurant that serves drinks and is frequented by a crowd so diverse, it could be described as international, or alternative, or totally hip. Take your pick. Or choose all of the above.)

We don�t care though because we�re so busy catching up. We�re attempting to squash months of time into a few hours. Even though we have steady contact with each other, we get down to business during Girl�s Night Out. No dispatcher, or transcriber, could keep up with all the communication going on!

Don�t you just love having girlfriends? Women with whom you have interests, experiences, and people in common. Many, many things are then conveyed with just a look, word or shrug. And, conversations overflow like a flooding river. You start down one water stream and end up leaping to another and then back again. Then, down the river some more just to do it all over again.

The thread of words starts, stops, flows, doubles-back and repeats. You don�t even have to finish some sentences or get the words right. (And the great thing is that I don�t have to explain my cognitive blinks to my girlfriends � they know what I meant to say. Even before I said it.)

Yeah, I had a good time. Hope you all had a great night too.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003