8:03 p.m. | 2002-09-04

I Might As Well Shoot Myself In The Foot.

Except, I don�t have a gun and I�d have to drive myself to emergency and I hate that. I also prefer to be more passive/aggressive with myself. So, I put myself in a little predicament. Or a pickle, if I want to sound like my grandma. Or I fucked myself, if I want to sound like a badass. It�s not really all that big of a deal. It was just one of those moments when I wasn�t thinking and now I�ve further complicated things, which means I now have to either waste some extra time or money. I�m gonna choose to waste more time. Argh. Because, you know, my time is precious. But apparently not as precious as the cold hard cash I have sitting in my wallet.


So I went to the Farmer�s Market today. I scored a good deal too. They were selling green bell peppers for 3/$1. Three peppers, not 3 pounds. So I chose two decent-sized peppers and one humungous, misshapened pepper. It kinda looks like Cliff Claven, come to think of it. (That�s a little inside joke for hard-core �Cheers� fans.) Everyone was avoiding the jacked-up-looking peppers but I�m not sure why since, when you cut them up, uh, ya can�t tell that they once looked like Cliff Claven. Now, if I was going to do some kind of Martha Stewart inspired centerpiece with my peppers, it would matter. However, I don�t have the time or any purpose for such frivolity with vegetables.

Anyway, I got some great stuff. The only thing that really bothered me about my visit to the market was the camera guy who was following me around filming me buying stuff. That was a little annoying. His camera equipment wasn�t emblazoned by the logo of any of the news networks � they�re often downtown filming random things near my workplace � so I figure he was either from local-access cable, a film student, an independent filmmaker or a pervert. However, I not worried about the fact that there�s now some footage of me buying flowers and whatnot out there since I don�t really think it�s headed for the news or an internet porn site. But I wound rather not have someone follow me around with a camera. Just so you know. It kinda comes with the territory when you work in the particular downtown area that I do. My colleagues and I are often filmed while walking down the street to our favorite lunch spots, so ya learn to just take it in stride. (And, yes for the record, I was waddling and tripping while he was following me.)

Well, and then there was this other weird thing that I did which I queried my friend (F) about later.

(CI:) Hey Friend, why did you stand quietly by while I purchased a basket of cherry tomatoes and then went on to buy 3 huge tomatoes? You know I can�t eat all those tomatoes before they go bad.

(F:) Um, well� I thought that was kind of strange and I was going to say something but I figured you were going to cook something or make a whole bunch of salad or whatever.

(CI:) Now I�m gonna have to cook something, thanks to you! You know I don�t know what I�m doing half the time. For god�s sakes, I count on you to stop me when I�m doing stupid stuff. (I like to put the responsibility and blame on others sometimes to give myself a break.)


Oh, and I worked today, of course. The Farmer�s Market is a lunchtime activity and I thank the vendors for bringing the market so conveniently close to my workplace. Although the lobby of my building would be better, I�ll settle for the nearby park.

When I left work, I said goodnight to my Boss.

(CI:) Well, goodnight Boss, see you in the morning.

(Boss:) What? Huh? You�re still here? (It was only 5:15pm.)

(CI:) (Thinking carpe diem.) (Heavy sigh, rolling my eyes.) Of course I�m still here. I�m the outstanding, dedicated, hardworking employee. That�s one of the reasons I�m your favorite employee. Remember? Ya know� you wrote about how great I am in my evaluation. (I actually wrote it, she just signed it.)

(Boss:) Oh, yeah. Go home now; you�re bothering me.

(CI & Boss:) (Laughing.)

(CI:) See ya!

(Boss:) Whatever.

It�s always good to end the workday on a high note. Especially when you have to come home and take out the trash. Well, and when you�re having muscle spasms in the tiny little muscles in your fingers and toes.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003