6:40 p.m. | 2002-09-05

I�m All Three Of The Stooges Rolled Into One.

Like a typical chick, not every chick, but a typical one, I don�t really find any humor in the Three Stooges. I�m not into �pratfall humor�. So, ironically, I�ve become that. Such is my life now. It�s one big pratfall.

I poke myself in the eye, and occasionally I poke others in their eyes. I trip. I fall. I bump into walls. I say stupid stuff. I throw things, seemingly at other people. I waddle. I kick stuff. I knock things over. I drop things. I fall up and down stairs. I trip on curbs. I knock my forehead on windows. I push the wrong elevator buttons or no buttons. I dial wrong phone numbers. I lock myself in my car. The whole shebang. I do it all. Pretty much everyday.

Now, I don�t try to do those things; they just happen thanks to the fibro. But, I have to say, I think it�s pretty damned funny! I now crack myself up with pratfalls. When these things happen, accidentally, to others, I don�t usually laugh. And, if others do these types of things to get a laugh, I don�t usually laugh. However, I find it hysterically funny when I act like the Three Stooges. And, usually, others don�t find it funny when I�m doing my pratfalls. There is a lesson in there somewhere but I�m not quite sure of its exact location.

At work, in a particular hallway, there�s a stanchion I run into on a regular basis. I tend to follow walls, like the elderly, disabled or developmentally challenged folks, in case I loose my footing. (Only, I try not to make it look like I�m following the walls.) On the walls opposite this stanchion, there are open doorways which can be hazardous if you don�t have sure footing. Now every time I run into this stanchion, it cracks me up because I know it�s there but I always forget that. Slowly but surely, the folks along this route are beginning to laugh also.

I�ve learned that the more comfortable I am with my pratfalls, the more comfortable other people are. Well, at least the ones I see regularly. I must say that when you grab your leg and hug it up to your chest while placing a lunch order (my back has spasms when I stand for any length of time), the cashier is likely to be taken aback. But, who cares? I mean, really, who cares if the cashier at the local food joint thinks you�re weird? I don�t.

It�s much more embarrassing when you do that at a meeting. But if you�re meeting with someone, chances are you�ll be meeting with them again in the future so they�ll eventually get over it.

As long as it cracks me up, I�m okay with it. It�s just a bonus if it makes other people laugh.

your thoughts?

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