6:30 p.m. | 2002-09-12

The Birdbath Is A Great Place To Nap.

Well, at least, that�s what the neighbor�s cat (NC) seems to think. Everyday I come home from work and find NC napping, quite comfortably, in my birdbath. And no, there isn't any water in it. At some point, the water evaporated and before I could refill it, NC moved right on in. I haven�t been putting water in it, because well, cats are a little diabolical.

Don�t get me wrong, I love cats and have had many over the years. Hence, I know a little about their nature. Some are just a little neurotic while others are down right psychotic. As NC isn�t my cat, I don�t know her and I�m not taking any chances. If she wants to nap in my birdbath, so be it. Live and let live. The birds might not like it, but I�ll let them take it up with NC. I�m staying out of it.


I went to lunch today with my boss and one of my colleagues. At one point, my colleague somehow flung his knife and got food on his shoe. I busted up because these things don�t usually happen to him and he had this complete look of shock and confusion on his face. I started laughing, he started laughing and then we both got the �grade-school girl giggles�. My boss missed the whole thing and wanted to know what was so funny. Much to her chagrin, we could neither stop laughing nor explain ourselves. She actually had to leave the table when she got an important call because we couldn�t stop giggling.

Not that we don�t usually laugh all the way through lunch, but we usually laugh at something much funnier and we don�t actually giggle. And, if I had a dollar for each time my boss has hissed: �Stop it you guys; everybody�s staring at us�, I would no longer need to be gainfully employed. (By the way, she�s usually laughing uncontrollably when she admonishes us so her scolding is rather ineffective.)

Just for the record, it�s quite funny to watch a 6�2�, 200+lb man giggle like a 7-year-old girl.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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