6:55 p.m. | 2002-09-16

Monday, Monday.

My boss had a bad day today. To wit, here�s her response when someone asked her how she was doing:

�If I had a hand grenade, I�d throw it.�

She�s not one for subtlety. Fortunately for me, she doesn�t take it out on me. She vents, of course, but doesn�t punish me with her angst. And, I really appreciate her for that.

My day was neither bad nor good, just kind of blah. I�m just glad to be home where I can melt into my recliner, put my feet up and ignore the whole pain thing. Well, and that little breathing problem I�m having. I�m just so bone-tired, yet not really sleepy-tired. I need a vacation.

I�m going to go curl up with a good book and some hot tea.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003