3:34 p.m. | 2002-09-29

I Once Got Sent To The Principal�s Office.

Yeah, I know it�s hard to believe. I could hardly believe it myself. Okay, that�s not true; I knew it was gonna happen. Actually, I�m surprised it didn�t happen more. And what, pray tell, got me sent to the Big Guy�s office? Uh, my smart mouth. Yep. Whenever I get in trouble, it�s usually because I just couldn�t just keep my mouth shut. Usually, whatever I said was also funnier than fuck so whoever is reprimanding me is trying their fucking hardest not to crack up.

In this particular case, I don�t remember what the witty snide aside was because it happened in 7th grade. Anyway, I got sent to the Principal�s office. My punishment? He made me sit, alone, in a really small room and sharpen a box of 100 pencils. He didn�t even tell me to think about my horrendous crime while I was sharpening all those number 2, school-bus yellow pencils.

And, obviously, that didn�t teach me anything. I�ve only gotten worse. Only now, I know a whole bunch of cool swear words which I pepper my witty, smart-alecky remarks with.

I do remember one of the many things I said in junior college because, not only was it unappreciated, but I did suffer some consequences for it. Right where it hurt. This comment came barreling out of my mouth while the professor was telling us a little story.

(Professor:) My husband�s mother-in-law�

(CI:) You mean your mother?

And, I wasn�t trying to be funny. I was just asking a clarifying question. She didn�t appreciate that. At all. I found that out when I got my grade. It was the only B I ever got in college. I was surprised because I had the top score in the class going into the final. I called her and asked her about it. She said that I also got the highest score on the final. I asked her how I got a B then. She said because that�s how all the numbers worked out after she added extra credit points. What the fuck? Now, I didn�t do the extra credit exercises in that class because I was working full-time, had 2 other classes and already had the highest score. And, extra credit is EXTRA.

Anyway, the idiot behind me was quite pleased with his A since he was near the bottom of the class and took a nosedive on the final. But he did the extra credit exercises. And, he was cute.

But did I take a lesson from that? Oh hell no. I just remember what I said that time.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003