6:44 p.m. | 2002-09-30

Random �Flashbacks� To The Good Old Days.

�She looks like she belongs IN the Haight-Ashbury District of San Francisco. IN the 1960�s.� (Fashion commentary from my boss after passing a woman on the street on the way to lunch.)


Part of a conversation I had today with someone I�m currently working with� a �professional guy� (PG).

(CI:) Now, if you were to beat the shit outta me, it would be a whole different thing. (Trust me, I was using an appropriate analogy and using the appropriate lingo, and it was a professional conversation, albeit, it doesn�t sound like it.)

(PG:) Well now, that would be domestic violence. Well, if we were married.

(CI:) (What? Huh? Oh well, I�ll go with it.) Yeah, it would, which would be a whole different thing than the situation we have here.

(PG:) Except your husband probably wouldn�t like it.

(CI:) Oh, I�m not married. (Said without thinking because sometimes I really am clueless.)

(PG:) Really? (I could actually hear his eyebrows go up.)

(CI:) Really. Anyway� (Blah, blah, blah.)

We discuss what needs to be done.

(CI:) Okay? So fax that to me when you�re done.

(PG:) Okay. Bye Sweetheart.

(CI:) (What? Huh?) Uh, bye.

There was a time when I would have found all that offensive and sexist, but now I find it, well, kind of endearing. Well, at least when it�s said by someone who�s far away and on the phone. And someone I�ll never meet in real life.


And, finally, here�s a conversation between my boss and I.

(CI:) Who brought their children to work? (Referring to two young girls who magically appeared in the office.)

(Boss:) Those aren�t children CI, those are the new student interns.

(CI:) Lord, I�m getting old. I thought they were 12 years old.

(Boss:) You are getting old. They�re both 18. YOU�RE the one who looks like they�re 12.

(CI:) Thanks. I think.

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seed flower

JournalCon 2003