6:30 p.m. | 2002-10-07

Dentists & Street Cleaners.

So I went to the dentist today. They didn�t call to remind me but they didn�t need to as I had �written it in stone�. I got my teeth cleaned and scheduled another appointment for April. I went back to work and was talking on the phone when I got the following voicemail message:

(DO:) Hi Cruel-Irony. I�m calling to remind you of your appointment tomorrow, Tuesday at 11:15am. See you then.

Uh, no you won�t. You just saw me today.

Speaking of the dental office, I have a message for the 2 guys sitting on their stoop (across from the Dental Office) taking swigs from their morning 40�s and shouting �Hey! Hey!� at me.

Next time, instead of just shouting hey at me, why don�t you yell, �hey, you can�t park there because the street cleaner comes on Mondays�? Thanks.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003