6:57 p.m. | 2002-10-17

Yesterday & Today.

To continue with yesterday�s humorous moments, after lunch we went to a large department store. By the time we walked far enough from the bomb (either it was a scare or they disabled it), we happened to be right near this store and Boss needed to stop in. She�s a shopper if you haven�t picked up on that.

So, we�re meandering about in a particular department, looking at stuff and busting out in laughter at inside jokes etc., and I notice that a department store staff member (she�s wearing a name badge thing) is following us and trying to get our attention. She (SM) finally comes around, stands in front of me, looks me in the eye and this is what transpires.

(SM:) Do you where so-and-so or so-and-so is?

(CI:) (Looking confused.)

(SM:) They work in this department. Do you know where they are?

(CI:) No, I don�t. I don�t work here.

(SM:) Oh sorry.

She wanders off.

(Colleague:) She thought that you worked here. Why?

(CI:) I don�t know Colleague. I get this all the time. Really, I do. This has happened to me all of my life. I was doing research in the federal law library once and some guy walked up to me and asked me where I kept the periodicals. I told him that I didn�t work there. Then I told him where the periodicals were kept.

See, that�s one of the funny things about this encounter. I couldn�t answer her question. Usually after people mistake me as an employee of anywhere, I tell them that I don�t work there and then I answer their questions. I swear this �thing� runs in the family. It�s like we all walk around with a sign on our forehead that says: �Information Desk� or something.

Then more funny stuff happened at work, then I dropped by my friend�s house and more funny stuff happened, then I came home, wrote an entry and went to bed. I would tell you the rest of the funny stuff from yesterday but I don�t remember it anymore.

So then, let me tell you a little about today.

I consulted with a very wise man this morning about the whole email situation of yesterday and asked his advice. After chuckling, he said this.

�Call him. CALL HIM. Right away. And tell him what happened. Trust me, you must call him and tell him. The first thing you must do when you get to work is call him. Do it.�

Pretty clear message there, but then, he�s always very clear. So when I get to work, the first thing I do is call Professional Guy (PG) to tell him.

(CI:) (Lord, what am I going to say? Lord, please please please put the right words in my mouth. Help me. Taking a deep breath and dialing his phone number.)

(PG) PG.

(CI:) Good morning PG. This is Cruel-Irony from someplace.

(PG:) Oh hi! (Sounding pleasantly surprised yet a little confused � nothing�s going on with this little project at the moment so he wasn�t expecting my call.) How are you?

(CI:) I�m great. How are you?

(PG:) Oh, I�m fine. Just got here actually.

(CI:) (Deep breath.) I got that email you sent me yesterday.

(PG:) (GIGANTIC pregnant pause.) Uh, I sent you an email yesterday?

(CI:) Uh, yes you did. However, I don�t think you meant to send it to me.

(PG:) Oh no, what did I send you? (Sounding apprehensive.)

(CI:) (I repeated what the subject line said.)

(PG:) (Embarrassed chuckling.) Oh, I sent that to my Army buddies. (His Army buddies aren�t his work buddies.) YOU got that email too?

(CI:) Yes I did. (Embarrassed chuckling.) And, I�m flattered that you consider me one of your Army buddies especially since I�ve never been in the military. But, I thought you might want to know that I�m, apparently, on your Army buddy list.

(PG:) (Embarrassed chuckling.) I�m sorry. I didn�t mean to send that to you.

(CI:) (Embarrassed chuckling.) That�s okay. It didn�t bother me; I just deleted it but I thought you might want to know.

(PG:) Thanks.

Mercifully, he went on to talk about what he�s been doing on the project � stuff that doesn�t require my involvement.

I told Boss about it later. Then I said that maybe I would just call him periodically and say, �Hey, I got that email/voicemail/fax you sent me yesterday.� You know, just to keep him on his toes.

However, I wouldn�t really do that. Especially since my face was so read and hot during that conversation, I thought I was going to burst into flames. And, I�m quite sure that he�s very relieved that I�m not some sissy, prissy girl who�s easily offended by such emails.

I wonder what awaits me for tomorrow.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003