5:31 p.m. | 2002-10-22

If You Don�t Know Where You�re Going, I Do.

In the last week, four different people have asked me for directions. (It�s that �Information Desk� gene that runs in our family.) Each time, the party asking wanted to go to a very specific place in an obscure location, and each time, the asking party had a very thick accent and a limited knowledge of English.

Those challenges caused me to practically scream directions at them, because you know saying it louder helps them understand English better, while gesticulating wildly. I�m quite sure several pilots mistook me for a semaphore and went AROUND the block and TURNED left before landing.

In one case, I only knew where the street was because I used to live on it; most people would�ve either told them those two streets didn�t cross or would�ve sent them to the middle of the ghetto which also has a street of the same name.

Anyway, I knew where they we going. I just hope they got there.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003