6:15 p.m. | 2002-10-24

Noooo Not This Again.

I have been in total denial about the cold season. Really. Until it so blithely reached out today, snatched me by the hair and drug me kicking and screaming back into reality. And, into October. Fucketyfuckfuckfuck.

Gah, I HATE the cold and I hate the darkness. The rest is okay though. It�s a time of introspection. Nature sheds the old and gets prepared to receive the new. So on and so forth. But it�s COLD and DARK. That part just sucks more than a five-dollar whore.

The cold makes me, well, cold and it makes my muscles stiffen all up until they�re so tight you could bounce quarters off them. That results in copious amounts of pain and difficulty getting things done. I become a knock-off Barbie without the bendable joints. And without the rather baffling and ridiculous measurements, of course.

Colleague says the cold makes me frigid and rigid. Now, while I find that quite clever, I don�t find it as hysterically funny as he does. I do get cold and stiff. And Colleague often bears the brunt of my whining. Like today.

(CI:) Oh my god, I�m going to freeze to death. Did they turn on the air? I mean, it�s FREEZING in here.

(C:) (Rolling his eyes.) It�s NOT cold in here; in fact, I�m quite comfortable. Don�t worry, you�ll warm back up in June.

(CI:) And look, I�m so stiff I can�t even bend my knees. It hurts, Colleague, it hurts.

(C:) Go home then.

(CI:) I can�t go home for the whole cold season.

Oh well, life goes on. I�ll get over it eventually (in June). Now I have to start playing mind games with myself so I can cope with all this coldness and darkness. At least you guys are around to distract me with your clever, funny and insightful entries. Now go write!

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003