6:51 p.m. | 2002-12-04

Random Quips and Quotes.


(GuyFriend:) My cell phone is so handy I think maybe I�ll have my landline disconnected.

(CI:) What if your cell phone breaks?

(GuyFriend:) Then people will have to communicate with my using either smoke signals or metaphors.

(CI:) Metaphors? That could be quite challenging, albeit very interesting.

(Friend:) Did I say �metaphors�? I meant semaphores.


(Man:) We recommend that you change your transmission fluid also. That costs $99.99.

(CI:) A hundred bucks to change my tranny fluid?!

(Man:) Well, we have this special machine�

(CI:) Does it suck the fluid out with a straw? I mean, please, a hundred bucks? How special could it be?


�What? His heart is not on his sleeve; his heart�s in his pants. God, the number of women he�s impregnated� he ought to be ashamed.� (Boss whispering her own commentary to me while we�re listening to a speech.)

�She looks good in boots� for a man.� (Boss� Former Boss offering fashion commentary regarding a masculine-acting/looking woman colleague who is universally disliked for her cruelty to others.)

�Oh look, I�m completely normal.� (Random Colleague after testing his knee reflexes with a small hammer.)

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seed flower

JournalCon 2003