9:29 p.m. | 2002-12-06

Christmas PARTAY.

I went to Boss� Christmas PARTAY tonight. Only, for me, it was more like a party because Boss lives in BossTown 40 miles away so I had to drive back. Just a couple of beers for me, but now that I�m home, who knows?

Boss has a lot of friends in BossTown and a lot of friends in MyTown. She�s worked in MyTown for many, many years so we often run into her friends while we�re out and about at work. She also knows many, many very important people (VIP) in MyTown who we also run into frequently. Whenever we run into one of her friends or VIPs, she always introduces me as her colleague. She never introduces me as her employee. Yes, she�s that cool.

She did the same tonight. She even introduced me to BossHusband that way even though I know full well that he knows she�s my boss. As do her very close friends. Sometimes I let it go at that and sometimes, depending on the person, I tell them that while Boss and I do work together, she�s actually my boss.

Anyway, I digress. Here are a couple of quips.

(Boss:) Hi Cruel-Irony, I�m so glad you could make it. Was the traffic bad?

(CI:) Not really� only two car accidents and one high-speed chase of a fugitive by law enforcement.

(Boss:) You�re joking, right?

(CI:) No actually, I�m not. But it really wasn�t too bad.


(BossFriend:) So, you work with Boss.

(CI:) Yeah. Actually she�s my boss.

(BossFriend:) I bet she�s a good boss but she�s probably really bossy.

(CI:) She�s a great boss and she is very bossy.


(BossHusband:) It was so good to meet you. Boss speaks very highly of you.

(CI:) She�s a great boss and we have a blast together. Well, and I kiss her ass.

(BossHusband:) (To Boss) Did you hear that?

(Boss:) What?

(BossHusband:) Cruel-Irony said you guys have a blast together but she kisses your ass.

(Boss:) Yeah, she does.

Driving home was fine as the fog was high and there wasn�t any traffic. And, Boss is so sweet she even called me to make sure I got home okay. Of course, she values my life right now since we�re coming up on our busy season and she already has to replace Outcast Colleague as his last day is next week.

BossHusband was very charming and waited on me hand and foot. And, all her friends were very welcoming. It would have been fun to really PARTAY but, on the other hand, I avoided obtaining a drunk driving charge and I�m not worried about waking up hung over. There�ll be other opportunities. Well, for waking up with a hangover not getting a drunk driving charge. You know what I mean.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003