6:43 p.m. | 2002-12-09

Party Quirks.

Today Boss told me a funny story about her Friday night Christmas PARTAY. I�m quite sure there�ll be more funny stories as you know I missed the good stuff since I left the party early and sober.

Let me give you some background first. This party was hosted by several different people but was held at one of Boss� best friend�s home. He happens to be gay so we�ll call him GayFriend. (Trust me, the fact that he�s gay is very relevant to this story.) Several people, all mutual friends, were going to have their own Christmas parties but then decided it would be easier to just jointly throw one party. Hence, each host/hostess invited �their people�.

Along about midnight, after most of the guests had left, Boss, GayFriend, DramaFriend (whole story in and of itself), and another host and a few of her friends, including Blondie, were sitting around. Blondie, who was quite inebriated, started flirting big time with GayFriend. Boss and DramaFriend exchanged a few glances at each other showing surprise that Blondie was coming onto an openly gay man, however, they chalked it up to her very inebriated state.

GayFriend noticed this flirtation also, of course, being the recipient and all. To avoid any confusion, he very markedly told Blondie he�s gay and not interested in dating women. No matter. Blondie continued flirting. Even this didn�t seem to faze her.

(GayFriend:) I love Moulin Rouge. I especially love Nichole Kidman. She is just so beautiful. I�m not interested in women as I�m a gay man but, if I was, she would have to be like Nichole Kidman. That woman is just so beautiful and so wonderful.

(Blondie:) Well, don�t you think I�M as beautiful as Nichole Kidman?

(GayFriend:) (Looking shocked.) No, not at all. Absolutely not. (Let me just say that if he was hetro, he would need some lessons in the art of flattery.)

Blondie continued with her blatant flirting until it was time for her to go. She asked Boss if she could take a bottle of wine with her. Again, Boss chalked that obvious faux pas up to her drunkenness. After confirming that she wasn�t driving, this is what transpired.

(Boss:) Would you like a bottle of red wine or white?

(Blondie:) I dunno.

(Boss:) Well then why don�t you take a bottle of each?

Blondie snatched two bottles and put them in her purse. Then Blondie, and her very embarrassed friends left.

The next morning, Blondie showed up at GayFriend�s house to stop and chat and drop off a thank you gift for his hospitality. Oddly, she was very drunk. No one knows if she just continued partying through the night or got up and got drunk again. GayFriend, still in his jammies, didn�t know quite how to respond. He invited her in, shocked that she had driven in such a state. He offered her some coffee and let her visit awhile hoping that she might sober up.

She continued with the whole flirting thing as follows.

(Blondie:) I would really like to date you.

(GayFriend:) (Quite perplexed.) Uh, I told you last night that I was gay. I don�t date women.

(Blondie:) Well don�t you think I�m the kind of woman who could change your mind?

(GayFriend:) No. How about some more coffee?

Eventually she left. We�re all a little dumbfounded about this whole thing. When her host friend found out, she was mortified. Now we�re teasing GayFriend about his stalker but we�re all hoping it was just an isolated incident.

I was sorry I missed that whole event. How bizarre.

your thoughts?

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