7:14 p.m. | 2002-12-11

Sherlock Holmes, Restroom Trauma & Exciting News.

I discovered where my little superpower comes from. I�m only electrifying when I wear my clod-stomping boots. Now, this seems a little odd to me because they have rubber soles and I can�t shuffle my feet when I wear them because they have such good traction, I stumble if I don�t pick up my feet. So, I don�t know why my boots make me so electric but I shock the hell outta myself whenever I wear them.

I can only wear my clod-stomping boots during our slow season because we can dress casually then. Pretty soon, I gotta get all dressy-dressy again. In fact, it looks like our busy season�s starting early this year. Argh.

I�m quite sure you�re all very fascinated with this recent discovery.

Anyway, let�s talk about bathrooms for a moment. Specifically, the Ladies Room at work. See, you have to enter a secret code to gain access. A little annoying but okay. Except for when you make a mistake entering the secret code. Then, it codes you out and you can�t gain access until the door is opened and shut again and you enter the code properly.

Okay, now imagine that you�re working away on something and you don�t want to stop right when you gotta go so you wait until you REALLY have to go and then, because you�re in a hurry, you miscode and get locked out. Then you have to wait until someone exits or you have to go the Ladies Room on a different floor. That�s more than a little annoying. Especially, when they put these weird, funky new lights in the little doorway alcove which make you feel like you�ve been beamed aboard an alien spaceship where they have weird, funky lighting. So, you either do the universal I-gotta-go dance in the alcove while you wait for someone to exit or you run up/down the stairs to the next floor and cross your fingers that you code in properly.

Yes, that was an outtake from Behind the Scenes of Cruel-Irony�s Glamorous Life.

Let�s just move on to the exciting news. One of my swearing buddies finally started a diary right here at Diaryland. She�s a bastard so go check it out.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003