7:40 p.m. | 2002-12-12

Boss Is A Funny, Funny Lady!

Boss was a little late and negligent on getting her Christmas Party invitations out this year which resulted in her failure to send one to Boss� Former Boss (BFB). When she realized this, she was going to call him and invite him but she forgot so he ended up never being invited. Now, BFB gets all bent out of shape when he�s not invited to something he should have been invited to, especially when others (such as me) are invited. Just one of his quirks. So as of this moment, he doesn�t even know that Boss had her Christmas Party and I wasn�t ever planning on saying anything.

Okay. Tomorrow is BFB�s birthday and we�re having a lunch gathering. However, Boss will be out of town so she won�t be attending the lunch. Well, not physically but, trust me, her presence will be felt. (I�ll get to that part in a minute.) Anyway, I bought BFB a birthday card and am having all his friends from the office sign it even if they�re not attending the lunch. So, of course, I had Boss sign it today. As she signing it she�s chuckling away. Uh oh. She hands it back to me and this is what she wrote.

�BFB, We really missed seeing you at my Christmas Party. Happy Birthday. Boss�

Uh, thanks Boss! Now he�s going to ask me what that means and I�ll be left stammering. I�m really not a good liar and he�ll cross-examine me (he�s an attorney � a very good one) and it will all come spilling outta me. It won�t be pretty. See how abusive she can be!

On another note, I want to give a shout out to a-splinter for telling me how to fix my Diaryland title and for providing me with a great one. She�s got quite a talent for titles! In fact, the title came right out of my diary; it�s from this entry. Thanks a-splinter, you RAWK.

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JournalCon 2003