7:32 p.m. | 2002-12-16


I�m in pain and I�m exhausted so I�ll be brief tonight. Or is that short?

Today, Boss, Colleague and Another Colleague and I took Boss� Former Boss (BFB) out to lunch for his birthday. We were talking about someone we all know when it went straight to the gutter very quickly.

(Boss:) One time, he put his foot on my desk and bent over to tie his shoe.

(BFB:) Did you check out his �package�?

(Everyone except BFB:) (Simultaneously) EEEWWW!!!

(Boss:) (To BFB) You are so disgusting. You are really, really disgusting.

(BFB:) Well, did ya?

Just so you know, that�s the least offensive thing he said at lunch. Don�t worry though, he doesn�t discriminate in his offensiveness; he�s an equal-opportunity offender. And, he makes us all laugh.

Speaking of laughing, this cracked me up.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003